Chapter 7 - Again

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Yibo pov

'Lan Wangji...'

'Lan er gege..'

'Lan Zhan..' I caressed his cheeks and his lips are slightly parted.. I can hear his soft snores.. Cute.. I pecked him on his lips.. What if leave me after you know the truth about your last zhan.. What we done to you is unforgivable.. But don't hate me.. I can't live without you Zhan.. I should be with you in never night.. But I failed to save you.. I promise you zhan I will found out the culprit I will kill who hurts you.. And that wen.. I will kill him..

'I know I'm handsome but if you stare me like this I can't control myself..' I can feel the heat rushing all over my body.. I cleared my throat and about to get up but he holds my hand and pulled me to the bed.. 'Yibo.. You are blushing... You have to see how red your ears are..'

I get off from the bed.. "Ah.. Why did you get up.. I feel so cold with out you..' I turned and looked at him who is kneeling on the bed.. This bunny is making me so hard.. Before he do anything silly I should leave.. No it's my room..

'It's okay I will leave.. But its really fun to teasing you..' Before I say he ran out of the room.. I looked at myself on the mirror I lips has a smile which I missed for many years.. Only my wei can make me happy like this..

'Yibo..' I looked at my brother.. 'Do you remember the meeting with meng yao..'

'Yes gege.. I have to go... Its eleven in the morning..' But gege stopped me..

'No need.. He is on the way here..' Is it anything personal why he has to meet us here... I nodded my head and went to meet wei ying.. When I entered into his room I saw him in my shirt talking to his friend in the mobile and his hair is so wet.. I took the towel on the bed and dried his hair..

'Who are you talking to.. And you will catch cold if you won't dry your hair..' I turned him towards me.. 'I won't catch cold.. It's huai sang who called me..' He looks so cute when he looked at me with his beautiful eyes.. His slightly parted glossy lips... I remember the kiss.. Our first kiss in sun shot hunt... But he didn't know it was me.. I want to kiss him again..

'Y-yibo if you look at me like reach then I will kiss you again..' I snapped out from the thoughts and saw Zhan.. 'I didn't properly kiss you that day...' My eyes widened.. 'We are boyfriends so how about you give me a kiss..' He bites his lips and looked at me...

'Shameless..' He scoffed at me.. 'Yahh.. You are the first one who called me kitten.. You said we are boyfriends... Won't they share kiss and..' I covered his face with the towel..

'But you kissed me first..' He took off the towel and pouts a little.. 'Then.. Give me my kiss back.. If you don't like it then give me back my kiss..' He is really testing my patience.. I snapped him on his forehead which made him to whine...

'Didn't you like my kiss..' If I stayed here for a second I don't know what will I do to him.. Before I go he holds my hand.. 'Don't go..' That's it.. I holds his wrist and pushed him to the wall.. Our faces were inches apart.. He looked at me with wide eyes..

'L-leave..' I smirked at him when he stuttered.. 'I like your kiss and I'm glad I'm your first.. But now you are really testing my patience..' I leaned closer towards him..

'Sizhui..' Before I turn he pushed me away and ran out of the room... I didn't know he is so shy.. You can't escape from me too long kitten.. I shook my head and went to the meeting room..

I saw Meng yao and su she with my brother.. 'Morning Mr. Yibo..' I nodded my head and sit beside him.. Before the meeting starts zoey also join with us.. We discussed about the recent project.. 'We have only limited time so its better to finish it quick..' My brother said..

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