Chapter 9 - Unconditional Love

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Zhan pov

Its nearly a week I didnt let lan zhan to cure me with his spiritual power.. But a little rest will be fine.. Its late in night and I can't sleep... I can feel his arms around me not letting me go.. The moonlight through the window shows him how handsome he is.. He is a guardian angel in my life..

In past I didnt know what's the feeling but now I know.. It's love.. I thought is he is a good friend and a soulmate... But he waited for me all these years.. Each and every birth I don't know whether I deserve him or not but I can't stay away from him.. The person who believes me and stay beside me.. And my shijie she knows who I am even though everyone tried to kill me when I was the reason for her husband's death..

I want to caress his soft cheeks.. Should I touch him.. But I'm not good for him.. It will taint his reputation.. Why.. Why you love me so much.. I know I'm still a threat to everyone.. I sighed a little.. This time I want to live my life with you.. I can't oppose my feelings for you lan zhan.. I will be happy until you are with me.. I won't let anyone to hurt you lan zhan.. I stretch my hands to caressed his cheeks.. My thumb brushed on his soft skin..

Suddenly I remember our first meet.. Shameless wei why should you kiss him.. But its my first.. No second.. Should I consider the kiss in my past life too.. But that's too intense and rough I still don't know who kissed me.. But that maiden is so strong and a great kisser too.. I looked at his soft lips.. Should he wake up if I kiss him..

'Its just a peck.. Don't wake up..' I leaned a little towards him until our lips were inches apart.. But I'm so nervous.. 'Just kiss me already..' I feel a strong hand around my waist and pulling me towards him.. His sharp gaze pierced my soul..

'Y-you are awake..' I get up and sits the bed.. 'Wei ying I forget to tell you something..' I looked at him..

'You are still shameless..' I holds my cheeks to hide my blushing face and tried to get away from him.. But his strong grip on my waist didn't let me to go.. He is so stronger than I expected.. 'Don't try you can't get away from me.. I waited for you a long and still you want to go away..'

'Lan zhan... Leave me..' Suddenly he pushed me to the bed and hovered over me.. I can smell his sandalwood scent.. I can feel the heat rush all through my body.. 'You look so cute when you blush like this.. I thought you are a playboy..' I scoffed at him..

'Why do you think like that..' He smirked.. 'You always flirts with girls and the girls falls for your charm..' I chuckled at him.. 'I heard that yiling patriarch is good at bed..' I hits him slightly on his chest..

'Its rumors.. How did you believe it.. I have my first kiss when we are in sun shot campaign...' He looked at me with wide eyes.. 'I didn't see that maiden's face but that's my first.. And also you look so mad at that time..' He caresses my cheeks.. 'What.. Why are you looking at me like that..' I asked..
He shook his head and smiled..

'Then I'm your first..' I sighed and nodded my head.. 'Of course you will be..' My eyes widened and look at him who bursted into laughter.. 'Why are you laughing..'

'Can't wait to see you under me begging and screaming my name..' Why he is more pervert than me.. I touched his forehead.. 'Hanguang jun.. Are you really alright.. Why are you talking like this..'

'Why.. Don't you like it..' He is speaking a lot.. A man of few words.. I shook my head.. 'Its too shock for me.. The righteous lan jade talking like this.. That's why..'

'I want to talk a lot to you zhan.. I can't express my feelings last time.. I can't protect you.. Stay beside you.. But I had an another chance now.. I don't want to loose you this time.. I will protect you.. I don't care what others think about us but I can't let anyone to hurt you.. You deserve all happiness in this world..' My eyes brimmed with tears.. I bit my lips trying not to cry.. He intertwined our fingers and linked our forehead.. I can't control my tears..

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