Chapter 11 - My Love

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Zhan POV

White maiden.. I know their history.. But why she wants me.. I know if we both mated then no one can separate us.. I know there is a way to stop her.. But how.. I leaned my head on the desk..

'What are you thinking about zhan..' I looked at huai sang.. I shook my head.. 'Did you know about the party by seniors..'

'I hate parties.. I don't want to go huai sang and even if I want to go Lan zhan won't leave me..' I realised what I said.. 'I-i mean yibo.. You know he is little possessive ..'

'Little..' Huai sang scoffed at me.. 'Yeah little.. That's why he didn't let anyone near you..' Yeah yeah.. Except my friends no one dare to talk to me... They didn't tease me or bully me like before..

'Come on zhan.. I know you hate parties how about me and mianmian visit cloud recess.. I miss A Yuan and Jing yi..' I nodded my head.. 'Okay.. I will talk to yibo first..' He nodded his head.. After the college ends I go to his company.. I know he won't leave me alone and to the party.. Definitely a big no.. But I want to spend time with huai sang too..

'Hey A qing... Where is Lan zhan..' She smiled at me while arranging the files.. 'He is in his cabin..' I nodded my head and ran to his cabin.. I opened the door without knocking.. I saw fei fei and yibo and she is literally leaning on him near the chair... 'Don't you know you should have to knock..' She glared at me.. I bowed to her and about to close the door..

'Baby.. Come in...why are you leaving now..' I smiled and entered into the room.. I sit on the sofa I didn't want to interrupt their meeting.. 'Continue..' He looked at fei fei..

'Yibo.. Why he is here now.. Its an important meeting..' This witch.. Why she is here now.. 'Will you please stay out until the meeting ends..' I scoffed at her..

'I'm sorry I won't disturb.. You can continue.. ' I don't want to leave her with my Lan zhan.. I know she hates me a lot but he is mine I won't let her to touch my man.. I clenched my fist when I saw her too close.. They both were checking something in laptop.. That's it..

'Miss Fei fei can you stop leaning on him..' I said to her.. Both yibo and fei fei looked at me.. 'You are so touchy with my man.. Move..' I saw a small smile on his plumb lips.. This tease..

'Why.. Are you jealous..' She smirked at me.. 'Yeah.. How can I not.. He is my boyfriend.. Move or do you want me to help you.." I glared at him.. I know he is uncomfortable but why he won't say anything to her.. These days he became so flirt, shameless and he always trying to test my patience..

'But zhan yibo is so comfortable.. He didn't say anything..' I bite my lips.. They both continue to do their work in laptop.. I smirked a little then I will make him to push you.. There is a way to communicate with him.. I looked at my paper man which is floating on the air near Lan zhan.. His expression slightly changed when he saw my paper man on his sleeve..

'Lan er gege..' He clenched his fist but his eyes were on laptop.. 'Or should I call Lan zhan.. Prefer one.. How about A Zhan.. Or daddy..' I know you can't resist me little lion.. He moved his gaze from laptop to mine..

'Ah.. Gege.. Its too hot.. Don't you think so...' I unbuttoned my shirt.. 'I want to kiss you so bad.. Don't you want me..' I tried not to laugh too loud when I saw him closing his eyes tightly.. I didn't know at fifteen that its love.. But after I left everyone I love to save the innocent people that's when I realise Lan zhan is my everything.. But everything is changed.. I want to live a happy life with him.. Now I have a second chance in my life.. I don't want to loose this opportunity.. I want to make him happy.. Want to life a happy life like I dreamt..

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