Chapter 16 - Protect

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No one's pov

Zhan continue his studies but now the situation is really changed... Those who insulted him for his status were now want to be his friend.. They tried to get close to zhan but he know what they are thinking...For him huaisang and mianmian were enough they were really so true and loyal to Zhan..

And there is also lots of danger awaited for him because both the white maiden and Meng Yao can't gave up their love for the bunny who captured their hearts.. Knowing the situation Yibo secretly appointed some guards for his husband's safety...

'Okay class.. Next week you all have to complete your project so it will help in your grades...' Zhan sighed and packed his backpack.. When he came out of the class he saw his friends waiting for him.. 'So what's the plan now.. Are you going to your home or..' Mianmian asked..

'To company.. Sizhui and Jing Yi will be late today he didn't want me to be alone so he...' He was interrupted when he heard more squeals.. Zhan rolled his eyes back he know why those girls are squealing like that.. "I think you have to leave now...' Huaisang said.. Zhan sighed and waved his hand to his friends and goes near his husband who is waiting for him.. But before he leave he was stopped by Meng Xi.. Zhan know that she will do anything to him...

'You don't know about me Zhan... I will...' Zhan scoffed at her... 'Im sorry miss but I'm so busy now... I have to go..' with that Zhan crossed her but Ming Xi eyes turned blue and she tried to hold Zhan's hand but a strong spell stopped her..

'Shall we go baby..' Zhan smiled at you and holds his hands with his husband.. Before they leave yibo smirked at Ming Xi... Most of the students capture the newly Weds couple some of them adored the couple some girls feel jealous... They both get into the car...

'Lan Zhan what are we going to do... One side that white maiden.. on the other side Meng Yao...' Yibo holds his husband's hand and caressed his back with thump... 'You don't need to worry about this baby... I will take care of everything... Now you have to concentrate on your studies..' Zhan pouts and nodded his head..


'I didn't mean to hide it from you but..' Jiang cheng stopped when Hai Kuan holds his hand... "I thought you will be angry... I don't want to hurt you... I..' Hai Kuan smiled at the other.. He stood up from the chair and jiang cheng followed him.. They both stood before the calm sea where their eyes were on the beautiful waves..

'Are you not angry with us...' Jiang Cheng asked.. Hai Kuan turned him and holds his cheeks pulled him closer towards him... 'I can't... I can't get angry on you.. do you know why..' jiang cheng shook his head but he slightly know the reason he wants to hear it from him ..

'I don't know when this start A Cheng... I want you.. All of you only by myself..' Jiang Cheng tried to look away from him to hide his blushing self but he can't.. The elder's hold was too tight.. 'Will you be mine A Cheng... I don't want to loose you this time...' Jiang Cheng tried to control his Tears... God how much he wait for this day..

'Jiang Cheng.. I love you..' Hai Kuan startled a little when Jiang Cheng hugged him so tight and cried on his chest... 'I-i love you too Kuan gege.. I..' Hai Kuan smiled and hugged him back so tight.. He kissed jiang cheng on the head.. 'I thought you have feelings for Meng Yao.. you are always favourable for him so..' He stopped when Kuan chuckled at him.. jiang cheng break the hug and looked at him...

'Its in past A Cheng but now I know...' He sighed he want to say about everything to A Cheng and also to others.. 'I know everything A Cheng so don't worry... And one more thing I dont have any feelings for him it's just I don't want him to feel lonely but..' Soon his smile fades and turned into smirk.. "Now I know about him..' Jiang Cheng looked at his lover who looks so angry..

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