Chapter 4 - Wangxian

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Zhan POV

Its nearly a month.. Even though I miss A Cheng and shijie in cloud recess they really take care of me.. A yuan and jing yi became my best buddies.. And xichen gege is so kind.. A little freedom that's what I want when I stayed in mansion but here I enjoyed the calm surrounding, bunnies and hot spring.. Sometimes me with A yuan and jing yi went to the nearby town..

And Yibo.. I dont know what's the feeling but I feel so safe and happy with him... He is a man of few words but his actions shows how much he cared for us.. I looked at Yibo who is checking his file.. Jing yi and a yuan won't come early today I don't want to be alone here.. 'What do you want to say..' Yibo asked.. I pouts at him.. Should I say it or..

'M-may I come to your office after the college ends.. I d-dont want to be alone here..' He closed the file and looked at me.. I shrinked myself on the sofa.. Goshhh.. His eyes.. Why I feel those tingling feeling wherever he see me like that..

'Sure bunny.. No need to ask permission to me.. You can come there anytime..' He said..

' Really.. Thank you.. And don't call me bunny..' He ruffled my hair.. Its time for college.. So I bowed to him and get into the car.. I don't want anyone to know about yibo.. So I always go to college with driver uncle..

'Hey zhan.. Here..' I join with huaisang and mian mian in cafeteria.. 'So how's your new home.. Are you comfortable there...' I smiled at them and explained everything about cloud recess.. 'Aww.. I want to visit there too.. ' mian mian said..

'Sure.. I will ask permission to Yibo.. And huai sang how's your work..' He is little busy now a days because of his brother's company work.. 'Ah.. We started a project recently so it will take few more days..' I nodded my head.. On the way to our class many students teased me saying mean words but I don't care about it..

I was alone in the library where huai sang and mian mian were in class.. I looked over books its all about ancient Chinese history.. But a book caught my eyes.. Its a recent novel but I didn't read it.. The front cover impressed me a lot.. A man in white holds a long sword and another man in red holding a flute.. 'The Untamed..'

I didn't see the librarian so I signed in the register and get the book from the library.. I kept it in my backpack and went to my painting class.. I looked at my canvas.. I have to finish this painting today.. But I don't know why I'm painting like this.. My lips curved into a smile.. All my thoughts were about that handsome man who always makes me feel happy..

I looked at the painting after I finished.. I loved it.. It feels that I have met him before.. I want to give this to him.. I took a picture of my painting and leaves the room.. In evening after bidding bye to my friends driver uncle picks me up from the car.. He stopped the car near the company.. Woahh.. Its the first time I'm seeing his company.. Its so so big..

I don't want to disturb yibo what if he is in some important meeting.. I have to ask the receptionist.. When I entered into his company everyone looked at me.. I went to the reception and looked at the young lady.. I bowed to her.. 'Excuse me Miss..' She glared at me with burning gaze..

'Who are you? What do you want..' Geez.. Why she is so rude.. I smiled at her slightly.. 'Oh.. I'm xiao zhan.. I want to meet Yibo..' She looked at me with wise eyes.. 'Y-yibo..' I nodded my head..

'Wang Yibo.. Can you tell me which floor he is..' She smirked at me.. 'How dare you call our CEO like that..' I smiled at her sheepishly..

'I'm sorry.. I want to see Mr. Wang yibo..' She called someone suddenly two bodyguards stood beside me.. 'Tell him my name.. He knows me..' I'm not that built like the guards..

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