Chapter 12 - Thousand year love

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No one's POV

'What the fuck.. I can't let this happen.. Do something to stop this marriage.. And where is meng yao..' Fei fei shouted at Wen Chao..

'Look you bitch...I'm just attracted to him.. But I can't loose my life by standing against all those clans.. Its best if we stay away from zhan.. You don't know anything about the yiling patriarch..' Wen Chao explained..

'No I won't let this happen..' The other scoffed at her.. 'Look fei fei I know you love yibo but he is so dangerous.. He will do anything for zhan.. And meng yao is not here.. If we do something then I will became their easy suspect..' He said. 

Fei fei groaned and leaned on the sofa.. 'Actually apart from business i don't want to involve with Jiang's and Lan's.. If they find out then I will say everything about you and meng yao..'
Fei fei glared at him and leaves the room..

'I won't let you to say the truth about us.. Guess we have to finish you soon..' Fei fei smirked and get into the car..

Yibo POV

Its still dark... The cold breeze made zhan to snuggle closer into me.. I can't sleep even a second think me as weird but through the whole night my eyes were on zhan.. Finally we are together.. My wait is going to end.. My Wei Ying is going to be mine.. Only mine.. Without disturbing his sleep I carried zhan in a bridal style to our car.. We have to inform our family first..

I buckled his seatbelt and intertwined our fingers.. The ring is so perfect for him.. I smiled and starts the engine.. After a long drive we reach cloud recess.. He stirred a little in his sleep and opened his eyes.. 'W-where are we yibo..'

'Our home..' I opened the door for him.. He is still sleepy. I holds his hand and leads him to our room.. He leaned on my shoulder walking beside me without opening his eyes.. 'You still have time.. You can sleep I will wake you up..' He shook his head and sit on the bed..

'Madam yu and Clan leader Jiang will be here soon.. Get ready.. Uncle wants to discuss about our wedding...' He holds my hand.. 'Nothing to be scared of A Zhan.. I will be with you..' I kissed him on his forehead..

Its nearly nine in the morning.. I holds his hand with mine and went to the meeting hall where uncle, gege and Jiang's family were there... 'A Xian..' Zhan smiled and hugged yanli..

'I'm so happy for you.. Let's sit..' We both sit before the elders... I holds his hand with mine to comfort him.. 'So Mrs. Jiang you know why we are here..' Uncle asked..

'I don't care Mr. Lan.. I already said Zhan is not our family then why are we here..' This woman... I glared at her.. 'Mom.. Uncle Jiang raised zhan so whether you accept him or not zhan is our family.. Its his marriage . we have to..'

'Zixuan.. He is..' Before she completes uncle Jiang stopped her.. 'If you are not interested in this marriage then you don't need to attend.. Its best for everyone.. Zhan is my son..'

'Yes mother.. He is my brother and its his marriage.. So leave if you don't like it..' Madam Yu glared at her son.. Uncle qiren started to speak... 'I will inform to other clan leaders about the marriage..' I intertwined my fingers with him who is blushing so hard..

Not only wen also the white maiden I have to protect zhan from wen chao and also meng yao.. He is our suspect but we didn't reveal it to my brother I don't want to worry him.. I don't want anyone to ruin our marriage.. Not only our clan, Jiang and jin were also so supportive.. And also Nie clan.. After the meeting everyone leave me and we I alone.  I took him to place where the bunnies were playing..

'Only two days.. Lan Zhan.. Its too early.. D-don't you think so..' He asked..

'I can't wait anymore.. Two days is too long for me.." He chuckled and hits my chest.. 'I want to ask you something wei.. But you  have to answer it with your heart..' I said..

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