Chapter 8 - Lan Zhan

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Zhan pov

I dont know where I am .. I can clearly hear someone's voice but I cant wake up.. I can't touch my yibo's face... Why.. 'Zhan..' I can clearly hear the voice when I turned I saw a man.. He wears a black and red robe just like I wear in the shoot.. He has a flute in his hand..

My eyes widened when I saw him clearly.. Is... Is it me.. 'Zhan..' I can't believe it.. What is happening here.. 'I know you are confused but let me explain everything..' He said..

'W-who.. Who are you?' I asked.. He smiled a little.. I stood before him waiting for the answer.. 'My name.. Wei Wixuan.. Wei Ying..' Wei ying.. I heard this name from Yibo..

'W-what happened.. Why am I here..' I asked.. He again smiled and stretch his hand.. 'Its time to know the past about you..' I was confused.. Past.. What he is talking about.. I'm sure it's a dream.. 'Trust me..' I looked at him and holds his hand suddenly I feel an energy rush through my body and a immense pain on my head.. I groaned and closed my eyes.. I saw a vision.. A vision of a man in a room..

W-wait .. It's jingshi.. Who is the man.. The pain became unbearable and I saw a few images again.. And it's too shocking.. Why I am in cloud recess and on a roof.. I want to see the man in white.. I tried to see him.. A sudden spark.. Y-yibo ... No its..

'Lan Zhan..' My eyes brimmed with tears when I looked at the handsome man looking at me.. My memories started to appear in my mind..

'I know you have many questions but listen..' I looked at myself before me.. 'What happened in the past is..'

'I'm the yiling patriarch who killed thousand of people.. I..' I holds my head..I can't control my tears that flowing on my cheeks.. My past.. I killed myself because of the guilt but what did I do wrong.. I helped the innocent.. I helped the clans to kill the wen's I sacrificed my golden core to my brother but why.. Why no one believes me.. No.. Those eyes which showed the fear of loosing..

'Lan Zhan..' I said in a low voice.. Is he reincarnated again.. 'Yes..' I looked at him.. 'He waited for us all these life zhan..'

'What do you mean.. Is yibo is lan.. Lan zhan..' He nodded his head.. 'He reincarnated before but its only in this life he came to meet us again..' Did he.. 'All these years he only want you.. He still regret for not saving you in never night.. The man loves you like crazy.. Waiting for you all these years..'

'Lan zhan..' I bite my lips and cried.. I'm happy to meet him again.. 'But you are the same wei who still has the same magical power.. The yiling patriarch..' I looked at him..

'B-but.. what about others.. What if they hate me.. Do they know who am I..' wei ying nodded his head.. 'Listen zhan.. He needs you.. you are his happiness.. His life.. No matter what stay with him.. Don't leave him..' He intertwined our fingers.. I gasped when I feel that he entered into mine.. The energy ran all over my body...


'wei.. wake up..' I opened my eyes suddenly and breathed.. I feel so tired.. I looked around the room with white ceiling.. I took of the oxygen mask and tried to sit.. I can't wait.. I want to see him.. Now.. I feel too tired but I want.. I want to see my soulmate.. My lan zhan... The pain ran all through my body when I stand near the bed..

'Zhan gege..' I saw Sizhui and jing yi.. 'I will call the doctor..' Suzhui said but I stopped him.. 'W-want to see him..' They both looked at me with confused eyes.. 'P-please.. I want to see him..' Sizhui and jing yi holds me and we all went to the parking lot.. I want to see him now..

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