Chapter 17 - Rescue Part 1

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Zhan pov

I woke up in an unfamiliar place I felt the soft matress beneath me.. Where am I.. I remember that I was in college.. My head hurts like hell I hold my head and trying to sit.. But something stopped me.. My hands were chained on the bed and also my legs... Who the hell had the guts to do this.. Am I kidnapped... Ah I hate it... Wait... Did yibo know about me... I bet it's really one of my well wishers who done this stupid act.. Arghhh

'You wake up my pretty baby...' I turned and saw Meng Yao with his sinister smile... I tried to break the chain but I can't.. Great i have to act like Zhan until my family finds me.. 'Meng Yao..' I looked at him with wide eyes..

'I know you are surprised.. Poor Zhan didn't know anything about yourself...' I have to act otherwise he will find out that I knew the past.. 'W-why am I here... Leave me..' He chuckled and sit beside me on the bed.. I crawled a little back when he tried to touch me.. Don't you dare to touch me you shit ...

'Awww..  Zhan.. Don't be scared I won't do any harm to you.. Not now..' His smile turned into smirk and he holds my hair tight and tilt my head back... "Arghhh.. Leave me you.. it hurts..' He chuckled and pull my hair so hard..

'No one can save me from you Wei..' I glared at him..  No one knows about the truth except us.. So I have to pretent.. 'Why are you waiting for.. you know we have limited time...' I turned and saw Fei fei... Ah this jealous bitch.. Wait she is not a cultivator then... I glared at her.. Before I talk I feel a sharp pain on my cheeks...

'This little slut... because of him yibo rejected my love.. We are good friends..' I chuckled at her.. 'He.. that cold prince hate you to the core if my husband know about you all then he was not gonna spare your life.. So leave me..'

'You arrogant bitch..' Another slap.. But this time it's Meng Yao.. He holds my hair hard which made me to wince in pain... 'Yibo... I hate him... why he is the one.. Why everyone adore him... That bastard always come in my way.. He took you away from me.. Not only in present but also in past.. I hate when he see you with so much love..' He yanked my hair back I tried to realease from his grip..

'Do you know how much I love you... I want you but now you are not mine..' He ripped my shirt I tried to stop him but I can't.. I hate it when he saw me I want only my husband to see me like this.. 'Surely he is a slut.. Look at the hickeys on his chest..' Fei Fei glared at me..

"I'm sure my Zhan will be good in bed.. I will pleasure you more than yibo..' I gritted my teeth.. 'Don't you dare to touch me you bastard..' He smirked at me his hands moved from my hair to my cheeks.. I moved my head I feel so disgusted by his touch.. 'I want to treat you like a princess but I hate when you married yibo.. But this wont stop myself from getting what I want..' He holds my chin and leaned towards me..

'You are my toy Zhan.. I will show you what's hell no one can save you from me like in the past.. Even your husband I will make you feel what's pain.. But not now..' He moved back.. 'Until evening..' He smirked and slapped me again.. I am trying myself not to cry.. Once he left the room Fei Fei followed him.. I flinched a little when the door slammed with a loud thud.. Tears flowed on my cheeks... Lan Zhan.. I have no golden core if I do something they will be alerted I have to wait for the perfect chance..  I sniffled little and looked at the door... I know he will come he will save me.. I want that bastard to die in his hand...I clenched my fist and leaned on the headboard..

'Im the real devil Meng Yao.. Today I will show what's hell.. Today I will show what the yiling patriarch will do..' Be strong Zhan.. you are an untamed cultivator.. But just wait.. Wait for a perfect time.. I sighed and leaned on the headboard..

No one's pov

Meng Yao is with Su She and Fei Fei.. Suddenly his mobile rings it's from Wen Chao... Meng Yao sighed and attend the call.. "You bastard what the fuck did you do..' Meng Yao chuckled a little... "Do you know what you are doing..'

'Chill Wen Chao.. We are doing what we planned..' He replied...

'We..' Wen Chao scoffed.. 'Yibo and others won't spare you.. He will definitely..' Meng Yao smirked and ends the call he looked at su she.. 'He is really a threat.. Kill him su she.. You know he is like a tickling bomb which will blast in any second so kill the bastard before the Wang's find him..' Su she bowed and left the hall some guards followed him..

'Fei Fei did you prepared everything..' Fei Fei nodded her head.. 'Ming Xi will leave the country tonight with us and we have to leave too.. She will be here in any minute..'

'But why we have to wait.. We can easily kill Zhan.. Why are you waiting for..' Meng Yao smirked.. 'I want to see yibo in pain.. I still remember how much he hurt and devasted after his love killed himself infront of him.. He is nothing without Zhan.. I want to give that pain again.. And Zhan choose that bastard instead of me I will show that he took a wrong decision in his life..'

'Well to say the truth I want to see him in pain.. He rejected me for that orphan.. And my men were around this cottage so don't worry about it..' She said.. 'I know you and Ming Xi used some magic tricks but I don't know why feel so nervous..' She is not strong she is slightly scared...

"Don't worry about it.. No one can break the boundaries we created..' Meng Yao said...  'Did Ming Xi called you..' Fei Fei shook her head... But Meng Yao didn't understand why he too feel so uneasy..

'What are you saying.. Yanli Shijie..' Sizhui is panicked and Jing Yi trying to comfort him.. 'Where is Hanguang Jun..' Wen Qing sighed and holds the younger's hand who look so worried.. 'I know you are busy worried but trust Mr. Wang.. He won't let anyone to hurt our Zhan..' Yanli caressed his cheeks..

'I'm going..' Yanli holds the younger's hand looking at him.. 'I have to save him.. He is still weak and he doesn't have golden core too..' Sizhui cried.. "He... He is like my father I don't want to loose him again in my life..' Jing yi hugged the crying boy..

'You won't A Yuan..' Sizhui tilt his head and saw Yibo... He ran towards the elder and hugged him so tight crying on his shoulder.. 'Not this time..'

'There is no time for us yibo its going to be evening.. ' Jiang Cheng said.. 'We will come with you too..' Yibo didn't want them to hurt but Sizhui and Jing Yi were so determined... He nodded his head..

'Shijie inform about Meng Yao to our father and uncle.. Stay safe.. Don't worry about Wei Ying you have to take care of your health first..' Jiang Cheng said.. Yanli nodded her head while caressing her little bump..

It's going to sunset...'I think your love can't find you.. Accept your fate Zhan...Get ready for the wild night...' Zhan didn't say anything Meng Yao was confused by his blank expression.. Two of the guards unchained Zhan and pulled him away from the bed..

'Our flight is in an hour we have to leave this place soon.. ' Fei Fei said.. Meng Yao went out where the guards dragged Zhan from the room.. He saw Ming Xi who is smirking at him .. 'Why the fate plays so cruel in your life zhan you are not going to live with your love... This is what happen when you desire so much in your life..' Fei fei said...

'I don't care.. Because I know how much my yibo loves me and that's enough I don't care if I die but remember this no one can escape from him.. You are all..' He glanced at the trio and smirked.. 'Gonna die so cruelly..'

'How arrogant..' Fei Fei looked at the guards who pushed Zhan on the floor and started to kick him so hard.. He coughed blood when the guards kicked him on his stomach.. 'Dont hurt him too much because it should be me to give him pain..' Meng Yao said and kneeled infront of Zhan..

'Ready to go sweetheart.. Welcome to..' Suddenly the door broke into two which made the trio to gasp.. Su she fell before Meng Yao who was hurted so badly.. 'to hell..' Zhan completes the sentence and smirked..

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