Filled with a whole host of English words. Archaism. Wit and humour.
It's also a rant book in disguise. Aimed at understanding, ridiculing and openly chastising the constants of 'Wattpad Tomfoolery'.
One would say that it was always going to be neutrally received by the generation to which it was first addressed, and the outpouring of angry nonsense to which it gave rise to was inevitably rather sad to think upon. But the present most sanctimonious generation will probably behave just as badly if another do-gooder should arise, and inflict upon them that with which the generality of humankind most truly despise — the necessity of constant belief that they need to revise their outdated and irrelevant convictions because so few believe their rhetoric and those other's cannot be bothered with the constancy of irksome repetition.
I love that ⤴️ I also love this ⤵️
There's nothing wrong with knowing your subject field like a professional and gently mentoring people by giving off these acquired academic vibes. Otherwise known as being an intellectual with a keen fascination for lifelong learning. But you know, some people can and will call that conceited and impertinent. Except of course for the people I've helped.
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The fact that you are different or because your personality isn't up to their liking. Maybe then it's because they feel irrelevant, unrated and intimidated by it. Or by you.
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Yet, there is a distinct difference to be noted between the braggart and the genuine one and it is seen beyond the acts of being cocky and boasting of the knowledge of things. I for one don't ram these epithets down your throat. I merely showcase what I have learned. And I do so by assisting people when needed, with simple healthcare guidance and support.
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I know, don't fret if you didn't understand it.
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