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It's been six months now since I... I couldn't even bring myself to say it. Selena tries to make me feel better and tries to hide her looks of pity but I know better.

I don't want anyone's pity, or sympathy. Maybe I wouldn't keep getting those looks if I could just bring myself to getting rid of it somehow but I just can't lose that too. Call me crazy but at least I have those.

I've been seeing a therapist but to be honest, I feel I am wasting the billions of dollars my parents left me. Bitch just keeps making me 'go back to that day'. I want to move on not go back, damn it! Sometimes I wish I could spell it out for her. I didn't go for this week's session and I don't think I would anytime soon, last one had me all messed up.

I take a swing of the alcohol, the burn to my throat making me feel some sort of welcomed pain, feeling the all too familiar urge to cut myself again. Okay, I need a distraction and fast! This is gradually becoming a habit and if Lena were to ever find out I would never hear the end of it. Like an angel sent from heaven, Selena calls at that exact moment.

"Hey babe, how're you today?" She asks.

"I've been better, you busy?" I ask before she starts asking what's wrong, because, that's the last thing I need right now.

"Never too busy for you, what's up?" came her cheeky reply.

"Nothing really just bored but don't want to go outside, could you maybe come over?"

"You never want to go outside these days, let me take a quick shower and ask mum for permission." comes her hurried reply.

"Okay, I'll be waiting."

Okay! What to do before she gets here. I decide to just pop the corn and heat up the pizza I ordered but couldn't bring myself to eat and had decided at the time to stick it in the refrigerator. Came in handy, don't you think?

Just as the ding of the microwave and the popcorn machine goes off simultaneously, the doorbell rings indicating the arrival of my best friend for the past seven years when she moved to Louisville from Texas.

"Coming!" I yell walking to the door. The doorbell rings again, this time sounding more urgent so I decide to hurry the fuck up, skipping some steps on the way down. Putting off the microwave and popcorn machine, barely missing the switch for the latter, I brisk walk to the door. I open the door to a teary-eyes Selena who runs in like someone is after her.

"Lena what's wrong?" I ask but get no reply, she just looks at me like a puppy who's been beaten for acting out.

"Le?" Moving closer time her and taking her hand in mine, "Lena I'm right here, what's wrong?"

"He's back, he's back, he's back," she keeps on saying.

"Lena, talk to me. What happened?" still no reasonable reply other than he's back.....he's here, something is obviously wrong and I really hope it has nothing to do with the 'he' I am thinking.

I shake her shoulders till her eyes turn to me, "Le snap out of it and talk to me, who is back?"

She says nothing but the fear I see in her eyes give me the answer, I wish I am wrong but I know better.
Lena isn't exactly someone that scares easily which is why we connected easily. The only person that could make her like this would be none other than, her stepdad.

Unlike Selena gets everyone but me to believe, she isn't this 'strong, happy, no problems in life' kind of person. She is quite the opposite actually.

Selena is from, for no better choice of words, a broken home.

Her mom got married to her dad when she was just twenty, her grand-parents threatened to disown Lena's mom if she didn't call off the wedding but she didn't give them a listening ear for two reasons.

One, the obvious fact that she was in love with Mr. Calloway at the time and the second reason being that she was already pregnant with Selena and she didn't plan to raise her alone. But unknown to her, life had other plans, Mr. Calloway died two years after Selena was born.

Of course by then, it was too late to go back to her parent because like they had said, they did disown her immediately after the wedding so she was stuck being a single parent who just wasn't ready to move past the fact that the love of her life was gone.

Eventually, she decided to try again after three years not just for her, but because her daughter needed a father figure, as she put it the night she finally told me about her and Selena's history. She got lucky was her earlier thoughts when she met Samuel Cahier, but how wrong she had been.

A man who appeared to be the perfect husband and father for the first year after their marriage, turned out to actually be their worst nightmare. Not only did he beat Aunt Meghan, but he also beat up eight-year-old Selena. Nothing was done for the first two years because Aunt Meghan thought he would eventually change back, become the sweet Samuel they have come to know and love.

That dream vanished the moment Samuel had tried to take Selena's virginity on her eleventh birthday. She realized something had to be done and fast, she pulled some strings after reporting him to the police and made sure he was put behind bars. It cost a lot but it was worth it because it meant he was behind bars for at least ten years, she had been wrong.

This is just the seventh year and he is back,"How did he find us?! We did everything! We moved from Texas with no traces of our possible whereabouts left behind for fucks' sake! This can't be happening, not again." She finishes her rant and burst into tears.

Bringing her even closer to me, "Lena, listen to me," she just keeps sobbing.

"Lena look at me," I lift her chin so she is looking at me.

"You'll be fine. I'm here for you, you're not alone, okay?" To this she finally nods and nuzzle into my arms. I could still hear her silent sobs but they soon calm down. I look down when I notice her sobs become inaudible to see she is already asleep.

I succeed in getting her to bed; she needs a break for now before we start thinking of a way out of this. Apparently, I need one too. I wanted a distraction, I got one but sadly, not the good kind.

I keep tossing and turning on the bed. My body wiling but my mind anything but. Oh take me! This insomnia keeps getting worse.

I go back downstairs to get some warm milk from the kitchen and my sleeping pills from the medical kit in the living room. I go back upstairs to try the sleeping thing again. I am up for thirty minutes before the pills start kicking in.

I really hope we get through the quick-sands in our lives before it sucks us in.

We'll get through this.

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Okay, chapter three!!!!
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#Little Star at the bottom.


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