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“As I was saying, I’m Zeus and everyone seated at this table at this moment is a god or goddess of something, except you two of course, we would have to run tests to know what supernatural creature you are,” he says totally ignoring Lena’s question.

“We’ve known about both of you for a long time, how long is not important but we have kept eyes on both of you.”

Immediately he makes this statement, I decide to actually look at the faces around me and realize I’ve seen about half the people here somewhere before.

Isn’t that Xavier, the mail guy? and the lunch lady at my old school? Always thought she was too young for that anyway. Wait the gym teacher at my old school too? Is that the janitor at Amadeus? Okay my mind has had enough!

I glare at Lorenzo so hard I could feel my eyes trying to come out of their sockets.  He eventually gets the message, because, the next thing he does is look at Lena and I could’ve sworn his eyes flashed. Lena rips the duct tape harshly from my mouth.

“Ouchh?!”  I turn my glare to Lorenzo this time knowing Lena is obviously not in control, he just smiles. Asshole.

“Now, the introduction!” The plane guy says smiling like a hoe that just got the D.

“I’m Cole Cage but I’d prefer you call me Hades, the god of the underworld.” And just like Zeus, his eyes flash but unlike Zeus, his flash red. Figures.

“Samantha Suarez, Hera, goddess of marriage, mother and families.” She shoots Zeus a stare which he seems unfazed by before her eyes flash blue.

“Xavier Black, Ares, the god of war.” he smirks and his eyes flash red.

“I’m Ava La Duca but you’d probably know me as Nemesis, goddess of revenge.” she has the sweetest smile making it hard to believe. Well... till her eyes flash red.

“Ian Everett, Poseidon, the god of the sea.” Is it weird that I think my former gym teacher looks hot in a suit?

“Luca Cahn, Apollo, the god of archery, music, poetry, prophecy, medicine, and the sun. Damn! You guys have got to give me more credit.” cue eye-roll. Wait, that's the guy Lena was talking to on the plane! I choose to shut up though, one duct tape tonight is enough.

“Shut up you fool. Olivia Cahn, Artemis, goddess of the moon, the hunt and young maidens.” she says monotonously like she has had to say it one too many times. I couldn’t blame her, after dealing with hungry teenagers on a daily just to spy on us and let's not forget having to introduce herself to young supernaturals, you'd be mad to remain happy.

“Mia La Rossa Black, Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty” she smiles as her eyes flash blue.

“Brielle Sabine, Nike, goddess of victory” She has a very strong voice.

“Santiago La Torre, Dionysus, the god of wine” he might as well beat his chest because he was obviously very proud to be given that duty.

The introductions goes on like that and by the time they are done, I have been introduced about 21 gods and goddesses, if not more.

“Now that introductions are out of the way we can go to the more important things. We wou-”

“Wait! If you all are really what you say you are, why do you look like a bunch of teenagers and young adults? Aren’t the Greek gods like I don't know, old?”

“More like ancient” Lena chuckles.

Nobody laughs, not even a smile.

Zeus coughs; I swear this guy might be down with tuberculosis or something, that’s like the fifth time this night.

“If you’re both done," he lifts a really hairy brow, "to answer your question, we look like this because we chose to look like this. We can’t be in our true form without attracting unwanted attention.” He states matter of factly with an exaggerated eye roll.

“Like I was saying, and please no more questions, you’ll have them answered with time, I have places to be, this has gone long enough,” he takes an exaggerated breath and continues.

“We would run the tests tomorrow. Meet with Iris at the library during the first period tomorrow and she’ll take you both where you need to be. That will be all for tonight."

He hands us both a card with the letters N.S.N on them


Beep! Bitch its time to bless this fucked up world with yout presence! Beep! Bit-

“Argghhhh!” I groan and absentmindedly shut off my alarm. More like bang the damn thing to shut up but still, made my room quiet again, bite me. Still don’t know why I haven’t gotten rid of the damn thing, it causes nothing but pain and annoyance.

Incidents from last night start replaying in my head and I’m definitely wide awake now.
I would’ve brushed it aside as one of my very weird dreams but for the card sitting on my nightstand, I couldn’t.

“Last question, how did those people outside get here or are they like you”

“No, they are not and can never be like us and we had someone compel them. Now go home, you’ll get answers to those questions swimming around in that head of yours eventually” he said already walking away followed by the rest of the people at the table leaving me and Lena.

“I am officially scarred for life, this was supposed to be a fun night!” Lena groaned running her hand through her hair.

“Tell me about it!”

I slept extremely late that night because I had to know as much as I could about Greek history especially their gods and goddesses. Yes, I love Greek mythology but never in a million years did I think I would meet them or that a lot of things about them were kept hidden in sites that couldn’t be accessed without authorization or in my case, a little hacking. I found out Nemesis was actually being honest and she was actually one of the Greek goddesses. I always thought she was one of those spiritual figures like karma.

I eventually go to take a relaxing bath and brush my teeth. I towel dry my hair before leaving it to air-dry. The water would drip down my back but wrapping your hair in a towel isn’t good for it. Period.

I enter my walk-in closet and just let the spirits guide me. They lead me to a white long sleeve top, a pair of high-waisted black ripped jeans, and a pair of white sneakers. I add a tiny dark brown belt to accentuate my tiny waist and decide to take a brown strap purse.

I rush downstairs to see Aunt Meg had already made breakfast and Lena already having breakfast as if nothing has changed.

“Morning Le.”
“Good morning. Bacon?”
“Sure, pass the eggs too.”
“Sooooo what do you think about, you know, the whole supernatural stuff.” I ask when she doesn’t.

“At first I thought it was a load of bull but after being forced to tie you down, I’d say it might be real, let’s just not think about it right now, okay?”

We finish eating, did the dishes and head for school.

Meet with Iris at the library during the first period tomorrow and she’ll take you both where you need to be.

This is going to be a long day.


That's it darls😘😘😘 I hope you like it!

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