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With Zeus and Hades gone, I could finally relax; that was super creepy but at the same time entertaining. It's not every day you get to stare at actual Greek gods.

"Okay what do I need to do, I've spent way too much time in this laboratory for one day" I face her with a stressed look on my face.

Her brows are really full I noticed;
"Okay I will just need a sample of your blood an-"

"Sample of my blood, why?" I cut her off thinking this is a little bit extreme, wasn't the staring thing enough?

"Oh don't worry dear, it wouldn't be that much, just enough fill a spot on my tile" she said referring to the white tile with little holes on the table from earlier. The holes in this tile weren't like the normal lab tiles I've seen though; it was a two row tile with just one hole on the top row and multiple at the bottom.

I shrugged giving her the go ahead. She picks up one of the needles from the table. I t had a short needle and to be honest, it was so small, is that really what she is going to use to get blood?

She walks back towards me and all I could look at are her red peep toe heels and her chipped nail polish, she must be a very busy lady.

I was so focused on her toe nails, for reasons I do not know by the way, that I didn't realize she had held my hand and slashed my palms with a knife.

"What the fuck was that for? Thought you were going to use the needle you picked up?" I asked angrily, I probably would've been clenching my fists but with the cut that isn't possible now, is it?

"Sorry about that, didn't want to go through the stress of getting you to settle down" She said like it was no big deal, already picking up my palm.

"Squeeze quickly. It'll heal when you are calm" I do as I was told, might as well get this over with. Once the top hole was filled completely, she told me she was done and to relax.

I 'tried' to and immediately, my slashed palm started healing up; it stung a little but eventually the pain which felt like I was being pricked in different areas by a needle stopped.

She added a drop of a blue liquid to my blood in the hole and mixed it together by twirling the tile. She placed the tile back on the table, took the vials containing Zeus's blood, I think, poured it one of the other holes at the bottom row, added the blue liquid and twirled the tile. She repeated the same process with Hades's blood and some other vials she picked up from the table; where did those come from?

Immediately the last hole at the bottom was filled, something weird happened. My blood actually divided itself, like separated perfectly. A drop went into Zeus's then Hades's and continued till the last drop went into the blood in the last hole of the tile. It got weirder, the blood in every hole on the tile became a mix of red and black.

What was the point of this? Was this some sort of initiation? A blood oath? I was still listing out possible options in my head but as I looked at the visible stress lines on Patricia's face and her upturned lip, I knew, again, something wasn't right.

"What...this can't be possible. What are you?" I scrunched my brows confused.

"Aren't you supposed to tell me that" I was really getting tired of the back and forths that came with this people.

If they have seen it all being who they say they are, I expected this to be over within minutes, or maximum, an hour but noooo, I can't just get what I want.

"I am but I can't"

"What do you mean you can't?" I rolled my eyes already tired of the path we have taken in this doctor - lab rat relationship we have, in short, my perception of her is not exactly on the good side the longer this takes.

"Usually the blood goes into their ancestor's blood and mixes completely with it. That is how we know what supernatural they are and who they are submissive to or who they do not agree with" So those vials contained the blood of other gods and goddesses, which ones? I know just as much as you do buddy.

She wasn't finished though.

"Red mix represents submissive meaning that god is their ancestor. Black mix means they do not agree with that god or goddesses and the super naturals under them and green, well, they do agree but are not related. In all my years here, I have never seen a mix of the colours, this is..." she says in one breathe, running her hands through her luscious red hair and walking to and fro in front of me.

"You need to leave. Now" that pulled me out of whatever daze I was in
"What? Why?"

"I said. Leave. Now" she said through clenched teeth and walked towards the room Lena and the other lady went through, I followed her.

Lena just... sat there, not moving till the other lady that went in with her earlier turned towards us. She didn't say a word just sized me up, yes, you heard that right. She stepped aside for Lena and without another word the redhead that ran my tests led us out.

She didn't even let me get a word in before she shut the door in our faces.

Well that wasn't creepy at all. Note the sarcasm.


"You know, with the way you keep spacing out lately, I would've thought there's a guy but we both know you'd rather die than let a guy own you like this" I heard Lena say from the other side of the room, my room but couldn't bring myself to give her a proper answer.

I blew a long breath; I really didn't know what to say to her. I mean how the fuck do I explain to her that even in the supernatural world I was considered a freak.

According to the redhead whose name I later found was Patricia, I was supposed to 'submit' few seconds after the eye flashing thing with Zeus and Hades, but, I didn't.

"Gaby!" she yells, snapping her fingers in my face.

"Yeah?" I finally turned to her.

"What's got you all worked up?" she actually looks worried; I guess when you ignore your best friend all day, that's what you get.

"Oh its nothing" I said trying to act like it's no big deal.

"It is definitely something; you've been like this since we got back"
"It's nothing babe, for real"

"Hm Hm, sure..." she says definitely not buying shit I'm saying but she let it go, for now.

"I'm ordering Chinese for dinner, want some?"

"Sure sure. By the way, I forgot to ask, what are you?" I scrunched my brows realizing I never really asked.

She frowned turning in my direction "What do you mean by what am I? I am Lena, a normal human being"

"Idiot, I mean what creature, non-human, supernatural whatever are you?" Her facial expression relaxes when she realises what I am referring to.

"Oh that, thought I told you already"

"Em... no you didn't, we haven't even talked properly since we left the lab" I said with a brow raised, we haven't even talked properly about the whole issue before now.

"Ohh I could've sworn I mentioned it" she looks confused as hell.

"Anyways you did, you didn't, doesn't matter, mind telling me what you are 'again'?"

She was just about to tell me when she fainted, what the hell?

"Le, Lena, Lena what the hell!" I screamed. What is happening?

"Lena stop messing with me, this is not funny, this is so not funny" I must have been crying without realizing it because my cheeks are suddenly wet. This can't be happening, not again.

What kind of fucked up déjà vu is this?

Aiit that is it for chapter 14🤭🤭🤭 hope you like it🤗😋
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