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Dedicated to jemima_1111

I have been waiting for the doctor to tell me what is wrong with Lena for about three hours now and still nothing, fucking sloths.

Just tell me what is wrong or at least let me be there for my friend but no, you have to be heartless.

I have tried every distraction method possible, I've tried humming, drumming my fingers on the table, imagination games, looking at everyone that fucking passes and I have fucking had enough. I have been on edge for hours and this is far from healthy, I can't bear the thought of anything happening to Lena too.

Aunt Meg is still at work and I don't want to scare her, because I'm thinking or rather hoping, it's just a concussion or something but with how long it is taking to just find out what is wrong, I am really not feeling so good.

I am just about dialing Aunt Meg when a nurse walks out from the room Lena was carted to. About damn time!

"Ms. Leoretta Woodville?" he asks looking around the waiting room.

"That's me" I raise my hand, standing up to follow him into the room but he stops me and leads me to an office down the hall. A tag is attached at the top of the door and written in bold capital letters, 'Dr. Leona Lewis', probably the name of the doctor. The nurse tells me to go in and leaves without another word.

I take a deep breath, turn the doorknob, and go in. The brunette in front of me is stunning but that isn't my business at the moment, she is making a call and doesn't notice I am standing there awkwardly staring at the sickening white paint that seems to be everywhere in this hospital, that is until she ends the call and turns around.

"Oh my, you scared me! Ms. Woodville, I presume" she says holding a hand to her chest and taking a seat.

"Yes, may I?" I ask referring to the chair beside me. I need to sit before I faint from how tense I am.

She opens a file on the table
"Sure. S-" she finally looks up.

"Relax Leoretta, she will be fine," she affirms. I guess she noticed the sweat on my back, wait, scratch that.

I immediately feel my shoulders and knotted fingers relax.

"Okay, we couldn't find any worry-worthy problem but I do have an issue I would like to clear up," I nod for her to carry on.

"Has Ms. Lena been under any stress lately, anything that could have caused her mental stress?" she asks still looking at the file and not giving me any emotion to work with.

"Em not that I know off" I initially say but remember Lena's step-dad being released. I really don't know whether to tell her or not because it could be one of two reasons, the second being the whole Greek gods' thing.

"But she has been having family issues of some sort" I add still trying not to give too many details.

"Oh is that so, mind elaborating?" she finally looks up but still showing no emotions.

"Em, I don't really know much, sorry" I lie, hopefully convincingly.

"Hmm...and her mother? I assume Mrs. Meghan is her mother" she probes some more looking at me through her black-rimmed glasses, her beady chocolate brown eyes poking at my wall of lies for something, anything.

"Aunt Meg is currently at work, I was the only one at home with her" I reply politely, what's with all the questions?

"Okay, that will be all. She should be ready to go in a few minutes, ensure she gets lots of rest and she should be fine" That's all I get after waiting three hours?!

"Oh okay, thank you" I mumble, pushing back the the metal chair.

"My pleasure." she says with a toothy grin that reminded me of the evil wit- step mother in snow white.

I walk out of the office after that and go to Lena's room to see she has already been discharged and is in fact ready to go.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I ask still cautious.

"Better, just this damn headache!" she grumbles, her right hand to her forehead, rubbing it in an attempt to soothe the pain.

She tries to stand and I move closer to help her. I know she didn't break her legs or anything but I wasn't taking any chances. We walk this way till we get to my red Lamborghini. I open the passenger door, help her get in, get into the driver's side, and drive the hell outta here. I hate hospitals!

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"Where have you two been?!" is the first thing we hear as we walk into the house. Aunt Meg rushes to us checking for any signs of harm.

"You had me worried sick! I thought something bad might have happened to both of you, where did the both of you run off to?" she asks with a stern look on her face and her hands on her tiny waist.

"Lena fainted earlier an-"

"Fainted? What do you mean fainted and why didn't you call me immediately?" she asks not letting me finish while rushing over to Lena and checking her again for any signs.

"Relax! I knew you were at work and didn't want to bother you when I wasn't sure it was serious and she is fine. The doctor said it was probably caused by stress." I tell her but she isn't obviously isn't having it. Her stern look morphs into one of distaste with her thin lips made thinner, if that's possible.

"So what, Gaby? Your lives are way more important than my job! What if it was something serious?" she yells looking like she was on the brink of tears and I immediately feel shitty.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking. I am really sorry" I hurriedly say and go over to her to calm her down, Lena is already by her side rubbing her shoulders to calm her down.

"I don't know what I would do if I lose any of you, promise never to do that again. Call me if anything like this happens again" she sniffs, wiping the stray tear that must have fallen earlier.

"Promise," we both say at the same time hugging her.

"Forgive us?" I ask hopefully.

"Oh alright, there's African jollof rice on the counter, I know how much you both like it, but, go shower first" before she finishes her statement Lena is already at the top of the stairs. What a sly!

Aunt Meg looks to see what I was looking at and chuckles shaking her head and going to sit on one of the couches in the living room.

I remember I still haven't told her about me and Lena's situation. I decide to just get it over with, no time like the present, right?

"Oh Aunt Meg, one more thing, promise not to freak" I start to say sounding unsure and going to sit beside her.

"When you sound like that, it's always something I must freak for," she says giving me her full attention now.

I cough to clear my throat, then, take a deep breath, I am just going to spit it out in one breath.

"A group of kids from school that invited us to that party I told you about turned out to be actual Greek gods who run this school for the supernatural which we have to attend; Lena is a werewolf and I am also a supernatural but they don't know what I am yet" I take a deep breath and turn to Aunt Meg.

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So that's it for chapter 15, hope you like you, leave your comments in the comments section or PM with your thoughts

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