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“For Pete’s sake Hulio! How many times do I have to tell you, your sword should be an extension of your hand and not made a tool?! Fight like that with any trained swordsman and your head would be his pet’s next lunch!” Sheesh! and I thought Athena was bad.

I catch sight of Andrea and Maya in one corner watching this guy, Hulio fight with a wooden carving of a person which has been made to move somehow. They actually move like a real person would and it is creepy as hell.

“It a possession spell cast by Hecate, sick right?” I hear a familiar voice say from behind me and I turn to confirm its owner.

“Freaky as hell? Yes. Who is Hecate though? Haven’t heard anything about him or her before.”

“Oh she’s one of the gods and goddesses that Zeus terms inferior. Truth is, I feel he’s actually afraid they might steal his shine” he smirks and I chuckle.

“Sure because that would be the end of the world for him” I roll my eyes, arms folded on my chest.

“Who knows?” he snickers, “You might want to choose a weapon by the way.”

“I have never used any of those before so I have absolutely no idea what I would do with one”

“And why am I here?” he lifts a brow smiling.

“To torture me and read my mind? Wait you’re not doing that right now, are you?” he chuckles and shakes his head negatively but he’s eyes say otherwise making me glare at him.

“I swear I’m not and I thought you knew the last time I did” he said heading to what I am assuming is the weapons room.

“I did after you told me”

“No I meant before I did. If your talent have been unlocked or activated you sort of feel a dull headache when I want to, I feel it too or rather I felt it too.”

“Now that you mention it, I did. So you mean my talents, powers or whatever has been activated"

“That’s the only reason I would feel anything. Underage or inactive supernaturals are almost human so they’re easy targets if you get what I mean?” he opens a chocolate brown wooden door and we are led to another room with an alarming number of weapons of different variety and sizes.

“Okay let the spirits lead you to your weapon or weapons” he chuckles.

“I can have more than one?!”

“You can have as many as you want to be trained with” he smirks and I suddenly feel like a kid in a candy store. Who doesn’t just love weapons even though you can’t use them?

“I am sure you’ve seen guns and swords before,” he says referring to the guns on the wall to my close left and swords on the wall on my close right.

There are guns of different types to my close left, swords to my close right, nun chucks on the wall opposite me which actually looks like it’s on the other end of a hallway. Spears, swords bigger than thy should be and many more weapons I never knew existed were staring back at me, glimmering slighty from the sunlight.

I pick up a long sword with a short butt, “Oh a katana, you have good taste, anything else?”

I look at him shocked; I thought this would be enough. I pick a weapon that looks like that thing Michael Angelo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle uses but with three balls having spiky projections, all attached to chains of their own and the chains merging together at a point.

“That’s a flail and lastly I would suggest a go to weapon just in case of emergencies and all of that”

“What kind of emergencies would require me to not just fight, but use weapons?”

“Who knows?”

Feeling sceptical, I add a metal ring of some sorts to my collection, I feel like wonder woman with this thing.

“Add this, would help you hold the ring while you fight with the other two. We could work with the katana today and maybe next class the flail and if things go smoothly you should be on your way to using both” he hands me a pebble.

“I feel so medieval right now,” I grumble carting the weapons in my arms. “Wait how is a pebble supposed to hold a ring Adonis?”

He snickers,” I forgot. Tap the pebble on the ring,”

I do just that still wondering how this answers my question. Oh my, shit, “Where did the ring go?!” I gasp almost dropping the other weapons.

He bends over this time laughing his dumbass off; this guy gets his kicks from the strangest things, me standing like Patrick from SpongeBob for instance.

“The pebble is enchanted, when you tapped it, the ring became the pebble, it’s probably on you somewhere” he smiles, “Do your pants have pockets?”

“Would I ever wear pants that don’t?”

He lifts a very hairy brow, “How would I know?”

I nod, “true”. I check my four pockets and sure enough found the pebble in one of my back pockets, the right.

“That’s so cool! Can I add the others?” I gave him my best cute face which probably looks like a dying frog's but hell if I care, worth a try.

He chuckles, “You’d need more pebbles and a new face, I would suggest a cuter one.”

I smack him on the head, hard, “What was that for?! Is this what I get for my honesty?”

I just roll my eyes, how do you get rid of a dead body twice your size without any help?

“Oh and you would need to have your name inscribed on your weapons, remind me to take you to the blacksmith later”

“Argh take me now.”

We move closer to the fighting pit, “Okay, so stand just as you would if it were a hand to hand combat but don’t let your feet do all the work,” I was getting in the stance position we’ve been practicing for the past days, “Now if you want to attack, your katana moves first before your leg and you have to keep balance in your feet, all the while not relying totally on it.”

“Was I supposed to understand that?” I remark totally caught off guard.

He rubs his forehead and trudges his way to me, he takes the katana and gets in the position I was earlier and I am immediately distracted by his bulging muscles. That poor shirt probably wants to be taken off. If I just stretch out my arm, I could just…

He bursts out laughing, “Oh my,” Laugh, “am I glad I got into your head when I did,” he hunches over like I’ve said the funniest thing in the world and I can bet on his life, I said nothing. Shit! No.

“If you wanted my shirt off that bad all you have to do is ask.” And there it is. Wait really?

“Oh m- stop!” he keeps laughing and I can’t help but admire the wrinkles besides his eyes as he laughs.

“Oh shut up, you’ve probably started hearing things” Really? That’s the best you could come up with? Oh shut it you.

He laughs some more at my expense and I’m left standing beside a laughing moron looking like an overripe tomato. Oh wait, I’m dark-skinned.

“Just show me how to use this thing already” I mumble still feeling hot in my cheeks.

“Oh yeah yeah. Where wa-” he bursts out laughing again sounding like a broken record, now I know how squid ward felt every time SpongeBob decided something was funny.

“It wasn’t that funny!” Shit! Shoot me now! The people around us turn to see what my outcry was all about and I give them the stink glare. Mind your damn businesses!

“Okay I’m done now”

He shows me some basic moves, telling me to ‘be a dancer’. I try the best I can to match his pace, try being the keyword here. Two hours of torture, cussing, sweat and more cussing and he let me go. Freedom!

I’m sweaty as fuck and just need a really long warm bath. I hate Adonis right now, the nigga needs to chill. I am so busy cussing out Adonis that I don’t notice the 6’3 figure lurking at my dorm room door till he is right in front of me or rather, I am right in front of him.

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