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He's only met with Harry twice but Louis' become quite fond of him. There's just something about him that isn't what Louis expected. He honestly was expecting some tough guy who would make a total joke out of him, but Harry's not like that.

Harry has a heart, Harry has emotions, Louis knows this for sure. Sometimes he thinks he's just being melodramatic but he always reminds himself that he's never been wrong about someone's character.

He can feel that there's a lot to Harry. That he's got a story. One that is probably sad, one that Louis probably wouldn't want to hear. He does though, he wants to know who Harry is. Why he's in the place that he is right now.

Louis' glad he took the opportunity to intern at the prison for awhile because as he's thought about before, he truly does think that Harry needs him, or maybe it's just that Louis' supposed to know his story.

He genuinely believes Harry wants to open up, that he desperately needs to let go of all of the weight he's been carrying around for so long and even if it makes him mad or frustrated at first, Louis thinks it will eventually all work out.

"Louis, how long are you doing this for?"

Louis zones back in from his own world of thought and focuses on his friend that's sat next to him. "Um, I'm not sure. Indefinitely?"

Niall, the friend sat next to Louis on Louis' couch nods. "Oh, you like it so far?"

"Press X," Louis says, referring to the Xbox. "Yeah I actually really do. The guy I'm working with is interesting."

"What's his name?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you that, technically. It's illegal."

"But you're gonna tell me anyway, right?" Niall says.

"Harry, he's twenty four."

"Ah, your dad happy about it?"

"Niall shut up, you're distracting me, yes he's happy about it."

"That was my plan all along, HA! I win."

"Fuck off."

"You fuck off, loser."

Louis elbows Niall in the side.

"Ow! You're a dick."

Louis just laughs and sets the controller down on the coffee table to get up and go get a drink.

"I gotta head out man, my brother needs a ride home," Niall says loud enough for Louis to hear from the kitchen.

"Alright, see ya," Louis responds as Niall gets ready to leave and walks out the door.

After Niall's gone, Louis checks the time and realizes he has twenty minutes before his dad will be here to pick him up. He can't wait until he can afford his own car but he doesn't want to get a job until he's done interning.

He's decided that Harry, and the job in general, is going to be his main focus. That's what he signed up for in the first place. This is important to him and he's gonna make sure he sees it through.

Louis' not sure what the end goal is, or if there's even one at all. All he knows is that there is an end, whether he likes it or not, and he's determined to make a positive impact in Harry's life.


"Why is this an everyday thing?."

"You'd rather be in your cell?"

"Honestly I guess it doesn't matter, it's all equally bullshit," Harry answers. "How old are you?"

"I told you I was twenty two," Louis responds, he doesn't mind that Harry forgot though.

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