Twenty Five

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"Really?!" Louis says with a giant smile on his face. "Dad, thank you so much oh my god. Harry's gonna be so happy!"

"Tomorrow is when they'll let him out. You need to tell him today."

Louis nods as tons of ideas of what he's going to do flood through his mind. This was the best news he ever could have revived.

His dad actually pulled off finding and way to have them let Harry be out for a few hours. It might not have been a whole day, but five hours was better than nothing.

As he grabs his water bottle and jacket to follow his dad out to the car, the thought that there was only five days left until Harry's execution date slips into his head, but he tries his best to push it way. He succeeds but not before it puts that terrible feeling of pressure on his heart.

The whole ride to the Prison, Louis goes over ways to tell Harry. He hadn't even discussed it with him before so it will be a true surprise to him. He just hopes Harry's okay with it.

He wonders if maybe going out like that will make the feeling worse. For both of them. It will only remind them how sad their relationship is. How they'll never get to be a normal couple who do normal things.

Louis doesn't let it turn into something negative though. He refuses. Even if they might never get to be 'normal' they can at least pretend for a few hours.


"Harry?" Louis says quietly as he opens the door to his cell.

"Hey," Harry answers, a small smile on his face as a greeting.

Louis walks in, a similar smile on his own lips as he gets ready to tell Harry the good news. "Guess what," Louis says, going over to sit next to Harry.


Louis shifts a little on the bed, getting comfortable and crossing his legs in front of him. "So my dad knows some people, well his friend does, who like are in charge of the big stuff," he explains."


"And um, I asked my dad what the possibility of getting you out for like a day would he and he said he'd look in to it and good news...they're gonna let you out tomorrow for like five hours!" Louis finishes, his excitement clear on his face.

"Wait really?" Harry asks. He seems calm, almost as if he doesn't believe Louis.

"Yeah. I mean, you'll have to wear an ankle thing like at the hospital and I think they also have to put a tracker in my car or something, maybe on me too I don't know."

"I can't believe you pulled that off," Harry says, as he becomes more enthused.

"I mean, me either honestly. Like I don't even know how it happened. I figured it'd be a bigger deal but I guess not."

"You said tomorrow right?" Harry asks.

Louis nods. "Yep. So start thinking about what you want to do. We definitely have to get food somewhere," Louis says.

It breaks his heart knowing that there's only one day for them. Less than that, really. Then, four days after, Harry would be gone. It would all just be a memory. He would just be a memory.

Louis doesn't show his sadness though. He refuses to make this a sad thing. It's not. This is a good and happy thing that deserves to be treated as such. He can't let the way he feels project on to Harry.

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