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As he's cuddled up next to Harry, he hears his heart beating and he thinks how everyone takes their bodies for granted far too often.

People are always complaining about the things they don't like, but never really appreciate how hard the rest of their body is working to keep them alive. How entirely fragile life really is. How one second you're here and the next you could be gone.

"So he's alright then?" Harry asks, running his fingers against Louis' jean covered thigh.

"Yeah, for now. He needs a heart transplant, though. I'm not sure how long it'll be, there aren't any donors available and the doctors said it's not super common to find a heart in the right condition."

"Oh...I'm sorry, Lou. You don't deserve this," Harry says. Louis can hear the emotion in his voice. He can tell that Harry's hurt because he is hurt.

"It's okay, I have you, so that's keeping me happy for right now," Louis says, tilting his head up to kiss Harry.

He really appreciates Harry more than anything. As unfortunate as their situation is, somehow, he's able to ignore it all because all he truly cares about is Harry.

"Louis you have no idea how happy you make me. Like, I thought I was just gonna die miserable but you've made, and are going to make, the last six months of my life the best times I've ever had," Harry says honestly.

It feels phenomenal to hear Harry say that. For him to be so open and to trust him enough to not be scared. Louis will miss the feeling of the butterflies Harry gives him when he's no longer there to make them fly.

He gives a soft smile, one that shows how much he truly loves Harry. "You too, Harry. I'm really glad we met."

"Okay, we gotta stop it or I'll cry and I can't do that because I have a reputation to uphold," Harry says jokingly.

"A reputation? What reputation? Sunshine cupcake: King of all things wonderful?"

Harry rolls his eyes. "Shut up. I'll show you sunshine cupcake," he says, grabbing Louis and flipping him so that he's laying flat on his back.

Harry takes Louis' small wrists and holds them on each side of his head, a grin plastered across his face. Louis laughs, his eyes lighting up with affection and his cheeks rising to meet his eyes.

"Still sunshine cupcake, babe," Louis  says.

Harry leans in close to Louis' face until Louis closes his eyes, except Harry doesn't kiss him—he just waits. Louis cracks one eye open to find Harry smirking, with his beautiful green eyes staring back at him.

"I'm—not—sunshine," Harry says, letting go of Louis' wrists and gently tickling him.

Between laughs Louis manages to push out, "yes-yes you are."

"You're sunshine." Harry insists as he keeps tickling Louis until he's out of breath.

"Harry stop, my stomach."

But Harry doesn't stop. "Who's sunshine?"


Harry laughs along with Louis, creating a beautiful harmony of childlike sounds. "Wrong answer."

"Fin-fine! I'm sunshine," Louis says, giving in when he can't take it anymore.

Harry immediately stops and leans down to peck Louis in the nose. "Yes."

Harry sits back, his legs straddling Louis' waist. He doesn't let himself put all of his weight on Louis though, to prevent squishing him.

"You're so adorable," Louis tells him, in a dreamy way.

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