Twenty one

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As the next month goes by, Harry and Louis only become closer, but it seems the further they fall for each other, the faster the deadline comes.

A literal deadline.

Louis can't even bring himself to think about it without crying. He's been doing that more often; crying. About Harry specifically. It's like his heart is already broken. Isn't it in a way?

The prison had become somewhat of a home to him. Not because he's there so often but because Harry is and Harry feels like home. Sometimes it doesn't even feel like it's a prison. Louis will forget that he's not just in Harry's room until it's time for him to go and he has to leave their eight by eight space.

Louis wonders what it feels like to Harry once he's gone. Does it feel like his space? Does Harry feel like he's at home? Louis wouldn't. He'd feel cold and empty.

Somehow, even if for the last five months Louis has gone almost every day, it never feels repetitive to him. He still gets butterflies every time he goes. The car ride there still feels too long because he's so eager to see Harry. It's all still exciting and yet it all ends in a month.

One month. That's all they have left.

By the time Louis gets to the prison, it's already five minutes past their meeting time, because was running pretty late while getting ready. He feels terrible, and he really doesn't want Harry to think he's not coming or something.

As soon as he's through security and check in, Louis walks as fast as he can to Harry's cell. He's still amazed that they haven't been told to go back to the counseling room yet, but he's not complaining.

Once Louis gets up to Harry's cell he quickly knocks and opens the door but Harry's not inside. Louis' mind automatically goes to panic mode. Where is he? Did he get into another fight? Is he hurt?


Louis' heart almost jumps out of his chest. As he turns around, he finds Harry smugly grinning at him.

"You scared me," Louis says, a hand over his heart.

"That was the point. What you get for being late."

Louis shakes his head and lets Harry walk in the cell before following him. "Sorry, I had a rough morning."

"It's cool. I talked to a different counselor. She's like in charge of everyone. I asked about the heart thing."

Louis almost forgot about that. It's all he thought about the night before but it somehow slipped away while he was frantically trying to get ready on time.

"Oh, right."

Harry goes over to his bed and climbs up into it. "She said it's possible. She has to make some calls though. Thankfully she's actually a good person and will do that."

Louis nods and he slowly walks over to the bed to sit with Harry. "Right...," he says. His mind hasn't quite processed everything yet.

"You're still okay with it right?" Harry asks.

Louis blinks a few times, trying his best I get his mind to feel less staticky and chaotic. He's been avoiding thinking about his dad who's still in the hospital. He's been avoiding a lot of things recently.

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