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After what happened last time at the prison, Louis' been thinking about it nonstop. It was just so good. He truly thinks he's never felt anything so pleasurable in his life.

He thinks though, that maybe it had to do with the fact that his feelings for Harry are so strong and also that he feels totally comfortable with him. The thrill of being in a prison also helped a little too.

Louis wonders, would he feel the same if him and Harry had met in a more conventional way? Would he feel the same amount attachment as he does now? Maybe if Harry had more than two months left, if he had forever left, Louis wouldn't feel so desperate for him.

It's a scary thought really. It makes Louis wonder if any of his feelings for Harry are real. He knows that the feeling he gets in his stomach when he sees Harry is real, and that the sadness he feels in his heart when he has to leave is real, but is it only symptoms of a placebo type love?

He's never felt this way about anyone before and he finds it odd that of all people Harry's the one that's changed that. That of all the people who could've been his first heart break, it'll be Harry.

Louis' not sure if he'll ever get the answers to his questions, and really, he's not sure if he even wants to.


As soon as Louis finds his wallet and jacket he hurries down his stairs out to his car, finding the cold wind that thrashes against his cheeks extremely unpleasant and unwanted. He doesn't mind the cold if it's not windy or gloomy but on a day like today, he very dearly misses the sun.

Harry never sees the sun, he thinks as he drives down the highway. Louis knows for a fact that it can take a toll on one's mental health if they don't get enough vitamin D. Maybe that's something Harry could use.

Every time Louis sees the prison it just looks duller and duller. As he pulls into the parking lot, he's reminded of this. The way the cement walls are tiresome and plain and the yard looks dry and flat, as if it just soaks up all of the negative energy that's above be it.

As he walks inside he's met with the monotonous hum of the lighting, a sound that could potentially drive someone mad. Even the guards tend to always have the same uninspired looks on their faces. It's depressing to say the least.

"You liking it here still, Louis?" Linda at the sign in desk asks, shuffling through some papers, peering at Louis over the top of her thin wired glasses.

"I am Linda, I really am," Louis says back to her, a smile drawing across his face at the thought of his time with Harry.

"That's good sweetie, I'm sure you make his day. Go on in, your dad said you've been having appointments on your own time lately."

Louis nods. "Yes ma'am, have a good rest of the day."

Linda gives Louis a sweet smile, one that only certain people can give. Usually those people are older women. At least that's what Louis has found.

As he walks through the dimly lit halls, ones that resemble the rest of the prison, he thinks about how this is the entirety of Harry's world. The only things he sees are what's inside of this building and the bit of the actual world that's visible from the yard.

He makes it to Harry's cell, the one that only ever seems to contain Harry and not a roommate. Louis definitely is not complaining.

Louis knocks but doesn't really wait for an answer to walk in. He finds Harry laying on the floor with his knees bent up. He's doing sit ups.

"Oh, Louis," Harry says, sitting up all the way.

Harry has sweat coating his forehead and bare arms that are revealed by his sleeveless white tank top. Tattoos are scattered across his arms and Louis thinks they compliment his skin very well

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