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He's not sure what they are, boyfriends maybe? Just two people who really fucking like each other? Louis doesn't really care, he doesn't need a label to know that Harry is his. He'll be Louis' until the day he dies.

Louis wishes it wasn't like that, of course he does. Of course he wishes that they had the chance to become a real couple. A couple that could fight over where to eat or whose turn it is to do the dishes. A couple that could sleep together at night and wake up next to each other in the morning.

They can't be, though. They never will be. It breaks Louis' heart but like he said to Harry, there's nothing he can do about it now. He loves Harry and that won't change, even when Harry's gone.

Somehow, over a span of four and a half months, Louis' fallen in love. He's not sure why or how but he has and it's not something he'll be falling out of anytime soon. Harry's an angel that doesn't deserve to be killed.

"I'm leaving," Louis says to his father after he finishes his lunch in the break room.

"Louis, you still have a half an hour."

Louis shrugs, taking his jacket off and leaving it on one of the table chairs. "And?"

Louis' dad shakes his head and waves him off. "Whatever."

Louis smiles in triumph and heads out the door. He says hi to the guards he knows in the way and tries to smile at any inmates that seem they'd take it well. Louis feels light as he walks to Harry's cell. The thought of spending time with him forces a permanent smile on his face every time.

When Louis gets to the B-hall, which is more of block than and actual hall, his eyes shift around the area. He's surprised to see Harry sitting at one of the tables instead of hidden away in his cell.

"Louis?" Harry says as he sees Louis walking over to him.

"Hi. Why are you out here?" Louis asks.

Harry's sat alone at the table as he folds a napkin and a ripped out magazine page into different shapes. All of the other inmates in the block seem to mind their own business. These guys look to be a lot more tame than the ones that were in Harry's old hall. Most of them are older, mid 40's maybe. Louis thinks it's probably good for Harry.

"My roommate is up there and I wanted a change of scenery I guess," Harry answers, sliding a small paper hat over to Louis.

"Cute. Do you wanna go into the other room then?" Louis asks.

Harry looks around and shrugs. "We should go to the library."

Louis nods. "Okay, sure. You'll have to show me where it's at, though."

Harry stands up, lifting both his legs out from under the table. "Okay."

So they both start walking down the Prison halls. A few guards spot them but none seem to question what they're doing.

"You know, I'm surprised they let us do this," Louis says. "Walk around and stuff."

Harry shrugs. "I don't know. I'm not gonna ask questions though."

"Yeah, true."

Harry stops in front of two large glass doors. Louis can see the shelves of worn down books through them.

"Here we are, the library," Harry says, opening the door for Louis and then following him inside.

Louis looks around. There's wooden tables placed in one corner while the rest of the carpeted room is filled with tall old shelves, lines with different books of all sorts.

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