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Once Harry's back in prison, the normal routine of Louis coming everyday starts back up again. Louis feels sad knowing that Harry had to go back, he's thankful that he got to walk out of the hospital and go home, but he also wishes he could trade spots with Harry.

Ever since they've gotten closer, way closer, Louis' been having the warm and blissful honey moon feeling. The 'oh I'm so in love' feeling, even if he's really not.

His dad has made a few comments here and there about it not being a good idea but Louis' told him over and over that he knows and he doesn't really care.

It's obvious that once this ends, his heart will be ripped into a million pieces but he's going to enjoy the good it while it lasts. Harry needs him, and he needs Harry.

Another two weeks go by of Harry and Louis seeing each other. Everyday Louis falls more and more for him and everyday Harry shows more and more of who he really is. The kind, empathetic, caring, and passionate him.

Louis feels that the dynamic they share would probably be considered a relationship, one that's obviously not quite platonic. He thinks that if he ended up doing something with someone else, it would feel like he's cheating on Harry. That he's betraying him in some way.

Having a boyfriend on death row with only two months left until the execution date—it's not what Louis signed up for, but life threw him into it anyway.


"Dad, you gotta start eating a little healthier. The doctor said you're heart is weaker than it should be."

"It's fine, one burger isn't going to hurt me," Louis' dad says, taking another bite of his greasy food.

"Yeah but one almost everyday along with fries and soda, it's not good for anyone, especially you."

"Don't worry about me, son. Worry about seeing your boyfriend," Louis' dad says as they pull into the prison's parking lot.

Louis rolls his eyes. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Right. Of course."

They both get out of the car and start walking up to the entrance. Louis loves his dad more than anything. He's always been so accepting but also so loving and caring. Louis would feel comfortable talking to him about pretty much anything.

As soon as they walk into the building, Louis' met with the beige walls, tile floors, and the distant sound of men talking. He's always wondered why prisons are just so exceptionally depressing.

"I gotta head straight to my post, we're a little later than usual," Louis' dad says. "You can handle everything yourself right? If you need a guard to take you up there, just go and find one."

Louis nods. "Okay."

His dad leaves and Louis sits in his usual spot in the break room. It's a small room with a light gray tiled floor. There's lockers on the walls for the employees to keep their things in, a sink and a fridge, and the table that's in the middle of the room.

Louis decides that maybe while he waits, he can clean a little. There's a small supplies closet next to the entrance door that he saw had some cleaning utilities in it.

The room isn't dirty, but Louis still is able to wipe down the counters, sweep, organize the little bit of things that are in the fridge, and wipe down the outside of the lockers. He can sometimes be a bit of a perfectionist. Once he starts he wants to deap clean everything, it's the actual starting out he struggles with in his own home.

A half an hour goes by and it's time for Louis to go. He checks the schedule that's posted on the bulletin board on the wall. Everyone should be in their cells so he'll be safe. He doesn't really think anyone would try anything anyway, they're not psychopaths, well at least the ones that are, are in the mental ward.

As he makes his way through the halls, Louis notices different parts of the walls are chipping off or scratched up. He genuinely doesn't think anyone could be here and stay in a healthy mindset. It's just impossible.

He gets to Harry's cell and knocks on the door, he never just walks in  out of respect for the little bit of privacy Harry gets. The doors always have to be opened a little but usually Harry's is just barely cracked.

"Hey," Louis says after hearing Harry tell him to come in.

"What's up?"

"I just cleaned the entire staff break room because I was bored, you?" Louis asks, sitting down on Harry's bed.

"Why? And nothing. Always nothing."

"What do you do to keep yourself entertained all day?"

Harry shrugs. "Well we have like rec time and lunch and work duty, but other than that I mostly read or exercise."

"Yeah? We should like get the same book and read it together or something," Louis suggests.

"I mean, sure. You find it though."

Louis crawls up next to Harry and rests his head in his lap. "Okay. Can I tell you something?"

"Sure," Harry says, playing with Louis' hair.

"I really fucking like you, Harry, like a lot. You're one of the best people I've ever met, and I know you don't see it in yourself but you have so much kindness in your heart it's unbelievable," Louis says, letting the words just spill out of his mouth. He wasn't planning on saying this, but he felt like he needed to for some reason.

"Louis," Harry says quietly, clearly lost for words.

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything, I just wanted you to know that."

Harry stops playing with Louis' hair but doesn't move at all. "I feel the same about you, you know. You're probably the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Louis feels his throat start to sting. He's not sure why, though. It's probably a mixture between Harry saying what he did and the fact that he'll be gone in less than two months.

"Are you crying?" Harry asks, leaning over a bit to look at Louis' face.

"No," Louis says, a tear falling down his cheek as he does.

"Why? Louis...," Harry says, as Louis sits up to face him.

Louis sniffles a little and wipes his tears but the longer he looks at Harry the harder it is to stop. "I just, I really don't want to lose you."

Harry's eyes have a soft but agonizing look in them as he pulls Louis close to him. "Hey, it's okay.

"It's not though," Louis says, burying his face into Harry's chest, calming down a little, but still very upset.

Both of Harry's arms are tightly wrapped around Louis' body. "Lou, babe, you'll be okay. I promise. I'll make sure you are."

It's quiet for a moment and Louis feels like someone is just squeezing his heart as hard as they possibly can.

"I love you so much," Louis says, knowing he means it whole heartedly.

Harry kisses the top of Louis' head, "I love you too."

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