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So I hope you guys are satisfied with the ending you got. I know you probably would've preferred one where Harry lived but that was never going to happen, however I always knew I wanted a happy ending for Louis.

(that's not fully true, I debated him k*lling himself but thankfully never went through with that idea)

I know that the way that the whole sentencing rules were written aren't accurate. Harry wouldn't of been sentenced to death in real life, I know that, but for the stories sake, he was.

And most importantly, I just want to again give credits to the writer of the Ethan Dolan fan fic I read in like 2015 that this story is based off of. I took the concept and made it my own but I did use her idea nonetheless. Sadly, her story isn't on here anymore and neither is her account so I can't tag her.

I hope you guys enjoyed it! Thank you for all the support! Love you xx

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