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He's not sure why his heart beat speeds up when he thinks of him, or why he smiles anytime the thought of seeing him pops into his head, all he knows is that it does.

Louis' not so oblivious to not recognize what that means. Everyone knows. It's just, he doesn't know why he would let himself feel that way. Even subconsciously.

He knows what will happen to Harry. He knows it could never work. Harry's in prison, it's just not realistic. Yet, for some reason Louis can't stop imagining if they were together.

He feels like if Harry were in a normal situation, it could definitely work. He likes Harry, a lot. He already has that indescribable feeling of need for him.

Needing to help Harry, needing to be there for him, needing to hug him, needing to make him smile. He just feels like he wants Harry to be free so bad that it hurts.

Maybe it's just because he's overly empathetic or maybe it's because he genuinely is falling for him, all Louis knows is he's very much attached to Harry and when the time comes, he's not sure how well he'll really handle it.

Going to the prison everyday for the past two months has really showed Louis who Harry is. He feels like they're friends now, maybe more. Not necessarily in a boyfriend way but just, more than pals or mates. It's deeper than that.

Louis' the only person since Harry killed that guy, who's been there for him. Who's showed him sympathy, who's showed him respect and kindness. Louis knows that Harry has to feel the same.


"Would I ever be able to see Harry in his cell? Like for a session." Louis asks his dad, who's currently on break sitting with Louis at the table that's in the break room.

"Honestly I don't know. No one's ever needed to do that. I think you probably could."

"Well can I do that then? Today."

Louis' dad shrugs. "Probably. I shouldn't say this but guards will let things slide all the time. I don't even think they'd notice—and if they did I'm not sure they'd care."

Louis nods. "Okay."

"I'll take you up there but ask him first, okay? He might not like the idea and I don't want anything going wrong."

"Do you trust Harry, dad?" Louis asks, absentmindedly ripping up a napkin into tiny pieces, creating a pile on the table.

His dad nods. "I do. He wouldn't hurt you. Not physically. He's only been in a few fights but he's never thrown the first punch."

Louis smiles but doesn't say anything. He almost feels proud of Harry. He knew he was right about him.

"Okay. My break is up and it's time for you to go see Harry so c'mon."

Louis' dad slides his chair out, Louis doing the same, before they both head into the halls. Louis follows him up some stairs to a different section of the prison. This unit has cells that are covered by actual doors, only a small window in the middle allowing you to see inside. Louis wonders why Harry wasn't moved up here sooner if he has such good behavior.

Louis' father stops in front of a door. It's closed. Louis' surprised they let the doors be shut but then again, his dad did say the guards let a lot of stuff slide.

His dad opens the door. Harry's sitting on his bed, which is the bottom bunk, up against the wall. Louis steps forward so Harry can see him. Harry gives a confused look so Louis explains.

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