Twenty Six

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"Okay, so, first I think we should get food right? Then maybe like go and do something fun, bowling? Skating? Go to a park and feed the ducks? What do you think?" Louis asks Harry who's sat in the passenger side of the car.

"I-uh, um, yeah anything is fine," Harry says, still stunned by the fact that he's actually out of the prison and in the real world.

"Right okay, food first. Where do you like to eat? It's only been a few years so odds are there's still all the same places."

"Um, M-McDonald's?" Harry hesitantly asks.

"No, you're not going to McDonald's, we're going somewhere nice," Louis insists.

Harry looks down at his clothes. "Lou I'm wearing prison stuff. I can't go somewhere nice."

Louis looks over as he starts the car and puts it in reverse, pulling out of the prison parking lot. "Right, first stop is a clothing store, then a fancy restaurant."

"Louis, you're not paying for all of that."

As he stops at a red light, Louis looks to Harry and smiles. "Oh, but I am."

"Oh but you're not," Harry mocks.

"Why not? I mean I'm doing it either way but like, why does it bother you?" Louis asks.

Harry shrugs, looking out the big window in front of them and getting lost in the image of cars driving all around, something that's so simple to the normal eye but so foreign to him. "I just feel bad. Like I'm some charity case or something."

"You're not a charity case. I'm doing this for me just as much as I'm doing this for you, honestly. Well maybe it's a little more for you, but whatever," Louis says. "This is giving me the satisfaction of knowing that you're getting to do all this one last time."

Harry doesn't respond, as the weight of Louis' words linger. It's hard knowing that this really is the last time. That it's one the last times he's going to be doing anything at all, including living.

"Yeah fine," Harry says, seeming to understand Louis' point.

"Yay," Louis smiles, continuing the drive to the mall.

Once they get there, Harry and Louis unbuckle and start walking to the entrance. Harry was dressed in a gray pair of joggers and a gray crew neck sweater type shirt. Louis tried to offer him a jean jacket to make it seem more like a 'look' but the jacket was too small.

Harry has managed to hide the ankle tracker under his pants but you could still see the very obvious lump sticking out.

"Okay, where to first?" Louis asks.

Harry, who was gawking at everything around him focused his attention back on Louis. "Um, I don't know. Anywhere?"

"Alright c'mon," Louis says, pulling Harry by the arm down to one of the stores.

When they walk in, the bright lights shine down on them and illuminate the different types of clothes they have. It's all women's that are in front of them but Louis leads Harry over to the men's section.

"What's your style?" Louis asks.

"Louis I hate this."

Louis furrows his eyebrows. "Hate what?"

"You buying shit for me."

"Okay, fine, think about it this way, if you buy things I can also wear, then really, I'm just buying my own clothes and you're borrowing them, right?"

Harry raises his eyebrows and tilts his head to the side just a bit. "Yeah okay that works, but promise me that you'll actually wear them."

"Oh trust me, I will. Probably like too often," Louis says. "Now pick some stuff out."

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