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When Louis wales up, his eyes are met with the uncomfortable lights that are still dimmed, but headache inducing nonetheless. He sits up and looks over to see a sleeping Harry.

Louis smiles. He's surprised they were able to sleep through the night without any doctors disturbing them. He also didn't know if it was even allowed but he didn't really care.

Louis carefully climbs out of the bed and walks to the door. Before he walks out, he shuts the lights off almost completely but leaves them on enough for him to at least be able to see where he's going.

He walks down the hall and to the bathroom that's conveniently unoccupied. He goes and does his business before washing his hands and his face. He also swishes water around in his mouth and spits it out. It'll have to suffice until he can go home and brush his teeth.

On his way back, Louis stops at the vending machine again and gets both him and Harry some water. He assumes that Harry will be brought some type of food pretty soon so he doesn't get anything to eat. He saw that Harry still has his cookies so if he does get hungry he can eat those to hold him over.

Once Louis' back in the room, he sits down in the chair, not wanting to risk waking Harry up by climbing in the bed, and checks is phone. He texts his dad and tells him everything is alright and that he'll be home sometime today.

A half an hour goes by and Harry's still sleeping. Louis gets restless and very bored so he decides to go down to the gift shop, hoping Harry doesn't wake while he's gone. He leaves his phone on the table though, so that if Harry does wake, he'll know Louis' still in the building.

Once Louis gets to the shop, he goes in and starts to look around. There's so much to look at, from stuffed animals, to jewelry, to snow globes, and even things like toothbrushes and bandaids, which Louis finds ironic for it being a hospital.

He finds that's he's internally arguing with himself. He could spend his money on something like new clothes or food, or he could spend his money on this fluffy stuffed dog and a key chain that says Harry's name on it.

He decides to go with the latter. Food can wait, the keychain cannot.

Louis goes to the checkout after also grabbing two toothbrushes and a tiny bottle of toothpaste in case Harry wants to brush his teeth too.

Once he has his things, Louis makes his way back up Harry's room. He can see through the small glass window that the lights are on now and so he assumes Harry's awake.

When he walks in he sees Harry sitting up in his bed eating his cookies. "Hi," he says to Louis.

"Hey, you feeling okay?" Louis asks, setting the bag down on the end of Harry's bed.

"Yeah I'm good. Not the first time I've been punched in the face."

"I got you something," Louis says as he pulls out the stuffed dog and keychain.

Harry catches the dog that Louis tosses to him. "Cute, you know I can't keep it right?"

"I know. I was thinking, why are you at the actual hospital and not in the prison's infirmary?"

"Oh, because apparently it was flooded so it ruined all of the machines and stuff. They're only using it for simple things and not major injuries. Not that mine's that major anyway," Harry explains. "I have this though."

Harry lifts the blanket up and and Louis sees the thick metal band around his ankle, one you'd see on someone who's on house arrest.

"Oh. Still, you'd think they'd have to have a guard in the room or like at least in the hospital at all times."

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