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Athena rose had received a letter asking for her presence at hogwarts years ago when she was first declared a slytherin. Her father was so distraught about the placing of her house as most of his family was Hufflepuff but he had learned to accept it that she was and always will be a slytherin.

Her mother's family on the other hand, had been slytherin for as long as they could remember but any remaining disappeared years ago along with her older brother without a trace of their whereabouts or reason as to why they left.

My name is Athena rose and I'm well known as rumour has it my mom ran off with you know who but I still after all these years, refuse to believe it. My mother and Tom Riddle were good freinds in school but that doesn't mean that she would leave me and my father like that.

I have been a slytherin chaser for the past 4 years and considered the best at what I do and I can't disagree with them. I was average in school but I never cared for that since I know every spell I need to know to get through life and that's all I desire out of school.

I have two freinds in school and I rarely talk to anyone else expect when Draco occasionally spoke to me in class about quidditch and I was good friends with Cedric diggory, but not enough to label them as a bestfriend. Their names are Grayson and Chris and we haven't ever been apart ever since the day we met. I met them both at a ball my mother hosted the night she left, like a goodbye with the people she 'cared' about.

She had brought me and the other two young boys together in a room and casted a spell in each of us, linking us together. She did partly care for me and that's why she linked them both to me, so I would always had someone and whenever I'm hurt they would know and be able to come to my need.

We were considered royalty in school since people thought of me as a player of 'Voldemort's team' which I obviously despised the label. I would love to kill the bastard already but obviously I'm not strong enough at this moment.

At the current time I was sitting next to Chris and Grayson on a bench waiting for the train to arrive. The cold metal underneath me was the only thing keeping me away as I laid my head on Chris' shoulder as the exhaustion from summer was slowly kicking in. Grayson had spent the holidays with me since his family situation was complicated but I didn't mind. He wasn't the type of guy that anyone could call a bother or an unwanted presence.

The sound of the train coming towards the station made the three of us stand up ready with our bags which I appeared to have a lot more of. We dragged our bags over to a carriage and sat inside on a vacant seat.

"I'm going to go see Draco, I'll be back" they both nodded and I walked through the pathway to the other seats. I looked down at my feet as I swear I saw a frog or something and when I looked up I bumped into a hard chest. I was about to fall when the unknown figure had grabbed my wrist and pulled me back up, saving me from an embarrassing situation.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you coming-" he started and then the taffy hair and the voice gave me the recognition that it was cedric Diggory.

"Cedric?" I asked my hands finally making its way back to my sides. He didn't look at all different, the way he carried himself so gracefully or his undeniably good looks that he didn't see himself. He gave me a smile and his hands went up to comb his hair with his fingers.

"Oh Athena, sorry I didn't see you there" He looked confused and I smiled happy to see the boy again.

"It's alright I'm sorry I didn't respond to you're last letter it was last minute" he tried to avoid looking into my eyes by looking behind me which I found odd. I turned around to see if there was something of interest but found yet to be nothing there.

"its fine we'll just talk some other time" he answered.

"I just heard that you're the pretty boy griffindors always whine about" He nodded and I chuckled, my gaze back on him once more.

"I've got to go but I'll see you on the field diggory" I turned on the spot and walked right back to where I was first sitting completely forgetting about the platinum blonde who I was supposed to meet.
"How was Draco?" Chris asked
"I completely forgot about him!" I cursed under my breath and rested my forehead on my hands.
"What kept you so occupied that you forgot?"
"Cedric bumped into me"
"Poor boy what did you do to him?" Chris laughed and Grayson seemed to find it funny too as he laughed but stopped immediately when I elbowed him in the ribs.

"Nothing! He's quite cute if you ask me" Cedric and I had been quite good freinds since the first year and if anyone mentioned that we were both slytherin and Hufflepuff I didn't stop myself from scowling at the then and they usually ran away.

"Ewwwww I don't want to know I don't wanna know" Grayson kept repeating, clenching his eyes shut with a small smirk on his lips.
"Stop being such a child" I laughed and threw a pencil at him which he dodged swiftly.
"Hey! That could've poked my eye out you know!"
"Still as dramatic as last year Grayson I would've thought living with Athena for a month or so would've made you a slight bit more mature" Draco said as he made his entrance, leaning his body on the side of my seat.

"Draco!" Chris exclaimed doing their handshake that looked literally impossible to me.

"Missed you over the holidays didn't think to send you're favourite slytherin a letter?" He glanced at me expecting an answer.
"Hey! I'm her favourite!" Chris fake gasped
"That's very funny but I am-" Grayson started
"I would've but I was babysitting gray all summer and that is a huge responsibility" I laughed at Graysons face change to a shocked one. He pouted his bottom lip and I simply just patted his shoulder with a grin on my face.

"Couldn't imagine. Well I'll see you when we get to hogwarts and before I go-" he looked at Grayson and smirked

"Don't forget you're naked cat again that was the last thing I wanted to see in my luggage last year" I could help but laugh and so did Grayson as we recalled dracos horrified face when he saw Grayson cat in his bag.
"He's not naked he's hairless!!!" Grayson called after dracos retreating figure

"Whatever you say gray" I rolled my eyes playfully. The atmosphere suddenly became cold and the train shook a little as if it bumped into something. A cloaked figure walked to our cabin door and opened it slightly. My breath got caught in my throat as Chris pulled me behind him acting like a human shield. The hood of the figure was dark and it tilted its head before leaving once again. Chris slowly recoiled and the warmth he gave me faded away.
"What the hell was that" Grayson whispered
"Dementors. They're here to find Sirius black"

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