f i f t y

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Today was the third task. The last and final task until I can finally have my boyfreind back to his usual charming and carefree self. I sat next to him in the morning at breakfast and his hand lingered on mine until I intertwined our fingers. He slowly lifted my hand up towards his lips and gently kissed it before sending me a loving smile.
"I think you're parents are going to be here any minute now. They sent me a long detailed letter about how much they missed me"
"Oh gosh" he said his cheeks flushing red
"Don't worry it's cute" I reassured him.
"You guys want to come meet mr and mrs diggory" they all nodded quickly and all followed Cedric to the entrance of the school. His parents came out of a flying car and ran to their son.
"We've missed you so much" his mother whispered in his ear.
"We are so proud of you" he said ruffling his hair.
"Guys this is my father amos, these are my freinds" All of us went and shook his hand and I hugged him as I hadn't seen him since last summer.
"And this is my mother" they all nodded politely and the bell rang meaning the champions had to go and get ready to start the task.
"We love you diggory" we all shouted and before he went off he ran back and we all group hugged him.
"See you on the other side" he said and ran off. I linked arms with mrs diggory and so did Grayson as we showed her around the castle. She was very pleased about the freinds Cedric had made even if most were slytherin.
"Come we better go to the stands!" Chris said as they all agreed and headed towards the maze. We all sat together and cedrics parents sat close.
"I'm going to go wish cedric luck" I said and I ran down the stairs and threw myself at him and he caught me.
"Please whatever you do come back to me. Be safe and if anything happens you've got the curse....I don't want you to go" I said almost crying. He looked at me seriously and then grabbed both my hands kissing them both
"I would never leave you. Not again. I promise I'll come back to you whatever it takes" I nodded smiling and he kissed me with such passion and such live it felt like our last. Which it wasn't going to be right? Music started to play as I knew he had to go.
"I love you so much Athena. Always and forever"
"I love you too" I said and kissed him one more time before he had to leave. I sat back in my seat next to Chris and Scott.
"Earlier today Professor Moody placed
the tri-wizards cup deep within the
maze. Only he knows its exact position.
Now as Mr Diggory..." we all cheered hearing his name and dumbledore continued.
"and Mr Potter tied for first
position they will be the first to enter
the maze. Followed by Mr Krum..." some other people cheer for him but not as loud as we did
" The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter, if at any point should a contestant wish to withdraw from the task he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants, gather round!" My leg was bouncing up and down as my nerves got the best of me. Scott our his hand on my leg stopping it from bouncing and looked at me seriously.
"He's going to be fine. Trust me that diggory is meant to be here" I nodded as I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Champions! Prepare yourselves!" Mad eye moody shouted. Cedric hugs his father and sends a smile in our direction.
"On the count of three... ONE..." the cannon goes of and Cedric and Harry both go into different entrances.
Please Cedric be careful....

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