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I was a bit unsettled from the dementor on the train but I tried to brush it off and enjoy the welcome back feast

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I was a bit unsettled from the dementor on the train but I tried to brush it off and enjoy the welcome back feast. There was a lot of whispering in the hall but I ignored it as it probably wasn't anything I'd care much about. Dumbledore had started his speech he made every year and I only tuned in at the end as my focus was elsewhere.

"Finally, on a more disquieting note, hogwarts- at the request of the ministry of magic- will, until further notice, play host to the dementors of Azkaban." He said and Grayson leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Do you think he'd come here? To hogwarts" I shrugged as I had no idea of his intentions. I'd heard of his escape but it didn't affect me much. I wasn't going to get all worked up about it because then that wouldn't be great for me or for the people who have to deal with me.

"The dementors will be stationed at the entrances to the grounds. While they are under strict orders not to enter the castle itself, you will on occasion see them as you go about you're daily activities. Under no circumstances are you to approach them. It is not in the nature of a dementor go be forgiving" it sent a chill down my spine as I did not like the sound of these dementors. I understand that a murderer on the loose is very serious but the fact that students have to see them everyday is alarming.
"Why is everyone whispering? Have I got something on my face?" I asked Draco who was sitting next to me. He casually moved closer and whispered back into my ear.

"Well Athena if you must know, you've changed a lot over the summer and for the better. Everyone is just noticing and you're probably going to be the talk of the school for the year" and this was true. Athenas wavy hair had grown a bit and her young baby face had disappeared to a now more sharp and defined one. She was more elegant and was now 5'6 and her natural beauty shown through more than it ever did. She didn't notice it herself as she wasn't one to stare into the mirror for hours but it seemed everyone else picked up on the change.

I let Grayson drag me out of the the great hall a hour later and I followed them both to the slytherin common room.
"Before you leave us, if you hear or see of this Sirius black than you scream. You scream as loud as you can and we will be there and he won't be able to hurt you" Grayson said oddly in a serious tone. I sighed but nodded and he held a small smile.
"Be safe Athena" they both hugged me before leaving to go into the male rooms of slytherin.

"Where's Cedric?" I asked Cho Chang who was pacing in the hallway. She shrugged her shoulders and then rolled her eyes. She had never liked me and I never knew why- oh wait it's probably because I knocked off her off her broom so many times in quidditch....oops. I walked into my next class which was defence against the dark arts. There was name tags on the seats so everyone had a specific place to sit. I saw my name and I sat down where I was assigned to. I was curious so I looked at the seat next to me and on the name tag it was written 'Cedric Diggory' I guess I will be seeing Cedric this morning. I wasn't bothered from sitting next to cedric but the problem was students round here loved to spread rumours, and if we even spoke for a minute or so there would be a lot of unnecessary gossip which I didn't particularly want.

"I just wanted to say sorry again for almost falling on you the other day" Cedric muttered as he sat down next to me, his overwhelming cologne noticeable immediately.

"It's fine Cedric, really. Anyways, do you want to meet for quidditch practise?" Since we were in the second year, me and Cedric had always practised quidditch on a Wednesday after school as it became a new tradition in the first year. He wanted practise and so did I. We were both good at the sport but the competition between us both made us better players.

"Of course. Maybe you can surprise us both by being on time" I scoffed and he chuckled, his pearly white teeth on display.
"Can I borrow Diggory and rose for a minute" Professor McGonagall asked entering the classroom. Snape didn't look entirely impressed but he still muttered a 'go on then' before looking back to his work.
Me and Cedric rose from our seats and followed the teacher outside the classroom, into the empty hallway.

"Me and a few other teachers have been thinking about new prefects as the last ones have left leaving us with two open places. A Hufflepuff prefect and a slytherin perfect. Imagine how good that will look as well as how talented you both are in quidditch" we both have each other a look and nodded smiling almost simultaneously.

"Wonderful!" She clapped her hands together and took both our hands opening them up before placing a prefect badge in our palms. The cold metal on my hand sending a child down my spine.

"Congratulations our new prefects. Also Chris has also become the new male slytherin prefect I just found him first" we nodded causing her to retreat away back to her office.
"Yes!" I squealed and Cedric laughed
"Oh come on aren't you a bit excited? We get to be out after hours...in the dark-"
"Okay okay you're making it sound scary"
"Aw Cedric are you scared?" I giggled and he scoffed his face showing his distaste to appearing 'weak'
"Of course not"

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