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My fingers kept kept finding they're way to my eyes to rub the tiredness away

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My fingers kept kept finding they're way to my eyes to rub the tiredness away. There's a kind of tired that needs a good night's sleep, and another that needs so much more. For me, at this point of time I just wanted to sleep all day long but school had dragged me away front that dream.
I had spent last night finishing up all the homework I had which was a lot and now I was bored out of my mind in defence against the dark arts. I groaned as I rested my head on cedrics shoulder and I quickly took it off knowing I'd probably fall asleep if I rested my head any longer. The bell rang and the teacher at the front of the classroom stopped in his tracks.
"Class dismissed" he said and I got up quickly and put my books away. Grayson quickly found his way next to me and sat down on the table in the great hall.
"Blimey Athena I haven't sawn you in ages" a Slytherin girl commented and I gave her a confused look.
"It's because she's been to busy snogging diggory" Grayson teased and I scoffed and kicked his foot underneath the table.
"Oooo did I head that right?" One of the Weasley twins commented as they stopped at our table
"Cedric and Athena?"
"Dating yes" Grayson said quickly as he didn't really like the pair as last year they had pranked him and he still hadn't got over it. 
"Athena and Cedric sittin' in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-" they started signing gaining some people's attention
"I have my wand in my pocket so I suggest you consider you're next few words very carefully" I said they immediately stopped and dispersed into another table. Cedric had joined the table a few moments before and was watching with amusement.

The slytherin table didn't care that a hufflepuff was on their table since they were used to it and even if they did care they would have to deal with the trio and not one had the guts to do that. I indicated with my head to leave and Cedric nodded following me out of the hall. We wandered the halls for a few minutes talking about random things until we stopped as cho Chang had jumped in front of us
"Hey Cedric! I was just wondering can we speak alone for a second?" She asked fluttering her eyes lashes as if they would change her appearance.
"I would prefer it be here" he said and her smile faltered a bit but none the less she started speaking.
"Hogesmade is this weekend and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?" She asked and I stood there awkwardly but still trying to be nice by keeping a fake smile on.
"Oh. I would love to but I've got other plans to go with someone else"
"Oh okay, that's fine I guess next time?"
"Cho I'm have to tell you that I'm dating someone at the moment so there is probably not gonna be a next time" he said and I felt guilty all of a sudden

"You're dating someone? Who?" She asked in a more urgent tone. He cocked his head to the side and cho had finally got the memo. A look of realisation hit her face.
"Oh ok..." she said awkwardly and scurried off in another direction her embarrassment simply oozing off of her.
"That was...awkward" Cedric mumbled and I couldn't help but smile at his awkward state.
"I didn't know we were going hogesmade this weekend but I guess I'll clear my very busy schedule" I teased and he scoffed putting his arm around me.
"You're such a dork" he chuckled and I dug my face into his chest.
"I'll see you tonight at the astronomy tower?" He asked and I nodded walking off
"See you there!"I shouted back at him and she blew a kiss which I pretended to catch

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