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"Hagrid just asked me to come fetch you. It's about the third task" Cedric got up and followed me outside.
"Why does he want to meet at the quidditch- oh my" he stopped himself as instead of the normal pitch, there was hedges growing in a sort of pattern. My quidditch pitch...
"Cedric! You're here! And you brought Athena too, not a surprise" Hagrid said smiling at me but my mouth was still agape.
"Don't worry the hedges will be gone after and you'll get the pitch back again" I sighed in relief and then stood next to Harry and Cedric. Harry's face looked mixed between scared and confused, you could tell he was questioning why he even came here in the first place.

"We were allowed to bring someone?" Harry asked as he had no clue what was going on like usual.
"No. But I don't think that would stop mr diggory telling miss rose everything anyway, even if I said it's top secret" he smiled cheekily at the teacher and then he headed towards the 2 feet tall hedges.
"They are going to grow much taller. But they thought I should give all 4 champions a hint as to what it's going to look like"
"You have to complete a maze....?" I questioned. A maze....seriously? I wouldn't expect such a high ranked competition to be so lousy with a maze being a task
"It may be a maze but there's going to be many obstacles along the way- I shouldn't have said that..." he said and cut himself short starting to pace back and forth
"You're dismissed!" He waved off his hand and we all started walking back towards the school building.
"At least now you have a idea what you're up against" I said trying to see the best out of the situation.
"We'll just have to practise lots of defence spells. It's in a weeks time! How am I going to do that?!?" He said his hands flying up to his hair, as he bit his lip nervously.
"i know you can do this cedric, you are probably the smartest person I know. If we meet up everyday at the library until the day then you can try memorise most of them" he nodded in agreement.
"Simon is already up there if you want to start now?"
"That would be great"
Athena, Grayson and Chris walked down the school corridors talking about a subject that wasn't too interesting. Eyes always followed their every movements as they were considered very popular in hogwarts along with cedrics group of freinds. They weren't always like this though. When Grayson was in his first year he had short hair, and he wasn't tall and he wasn't attractive to most females. Chris was however very tall but he had a stutter that most people ignored him for. Athena was small, she had a baby face and to top it off her hair wasn't that cooperative. This all changed however in the second year summer. They had all gone through a transformation of a sort and came back with complete new personas. Many didn't recognise them walking down the hall. Grayson's now lean body has caught attention of every female, Chris' voice matured and was deeper with no stutter in sight and Athena became more elegant in the way she presented herself. Her hair always in a high ponytail which only amplified her natural beauty. Now in their 7th year they were considered royalty but that didn't ever affect the way they saw things or people. That's why they didn't care being seen with a hufflepuff all the time because no matter what, there wasn't anything that could dent their popularity in the wizard of world. Least to say the three were very intimidating when it came to the years below them.
"Okay I need to go write a letter to Oliver it's been a week and I already need to send him a long detailed description of the chaotic week it's been" they both nodded and they opened the slytherin common room door for me. I sat in a corner near a window and started to write.

Writing to Oliver was so easy to do, I never ran out of things to say and I only stopped once my hand grew tired. It's odd him not being here but I can just imagine the disgust on his face when dumbledore announced that there was no quidditch for the year.
He sent a very long and detailed letter to me about his concern about this quidditch issue but soon got over it. He was playing for a good team and I was very proud. Once I had finished I sent my owl with the letter and I got up from the seat and Draco stood there
"Come on, I'm escorting you to breakfast. Grayson is already down there and he asked me"
"I don't see why I can't be alone walking the corridors. Ever since Sirius Black-"
"It's just precautions, there's many bad people out there Athena"
Cho's pov-
I have the perfect plan. My friend had given me a potion that makes you tell the truth and I'm going to give it to Cedric. I need to find out if he really ever had feelings for me or not like I've had for the past three years.
I saw him in the library, oddly by himself but I wasn't complaining.
I slipped some of the spell into a water bottle and went and sat down next to him. He looked very stressed his hair slightly less unkept then usual, and his eyes had slight bags under them that wouldn't be recognisable if you weren't sitting next to him.
"Here. I thought you looked stressed so I brought you some water" I said putting on my best fake smile. He weakly smiled back but it still sent butterflies everywhere.
"Thank you" he said his head rose from his book and he tried to cover up a yawn. His eyes shot open as his pupils were more dilated than usual. The potion had worked.
"Cedric?" He slowly turned to face me and I was so excited I barely contained myself.
"Okay I guess we'll start, what do you see in Athena that you don't see in me?" I asked the first question that came to my head
"Well, I always kind of liked her, I just didn't decide to act on it since I didn't really think I was good enough. She always strode round the halls with her head high, with two males always with her which scared most guys off including me at first. I thought she was another one of those slytherins who were hard-headed and didn't care for others. She proved me wrong when I saw that she was kind, loving and most of all a loyal person. You may be a few of those things cho but that's always been shot down by you're many bad traits. That includes manipulating and I didn't want to be a part of that" I sighed as this was not the answer I wanted. So I carried on.

"Okay. Did you ever have romantic feelings for me?" I said my smile growing wider hoping for the best.
"You were always just a friend, I never saw past that" I huffed and then grabbed my bag.
"Great that was definitely not what I needed" but then I stopped in my tracks
"Hey Cedric? Is there any...you know secrets you have about Athena?"
"Not really but I have got a few on Grayson" I guess it will be killing two birds with one stone I guess...
"Well I'm all ears"
There was many whispers when me and Chris entered the great hall. More than usual...
"What's going on?" I said once I sat down.
"Everyone knows about Grayson's living conditions. Everyone's talking about his mental abuse with his muggle parents. They think he's weak because he's suffering from muggles" Scott said and my mouth dropped
"Did anyone says anything to anyone?"
"I don't know. But that Cho Chang girl was the one who started telling people. She told me in muggle studies" Scott said and I felt so angry my hands curled into fists and I spoke in a dangerously low voice
"Chris go to Grayson. Now. I need to sort something out" he nodded as he knew what I had to do was important.
"What is wrong with you?" I said as I stood in front of cho who seemed normal yet you could see the fear in her eyes. Many people had stopped to watch but I didn't care at this point
"How could I What?"
"Okay you win cho. Whatever sick game you think you're playing. This is between you and me. And if you think for a second that you can just bring my freinds into this you are sorely mistaken" I said my eyes going a dark colour as the only thing I felt was anger.
"How is Grayson by the way? Tell him I hope he feels better"
Grayson grieved on the inside, but believed that he hid his sorrow from everyone. He was one of those people that anyone can read easily. One could see it in his eyes, his movements, his drooping posture. However, no one dared mention it to him.

"Hope he feels better. You sick bastard you just completely don't care for anyone else except yourself do you. Let me tell you something and this may come as a shock to you cho but the world doesn't actually revolve around fucking you. Now if you say one more thing. One more thing. About Grayson or Chris or any of my friends...I swear to god I will end you and i don't care what rules I have to break" I said and looped my finger on her necklace and tugged it so the pearls fell onto the floor as the necklace broke.
I slammed her locker shut and the crowd that had tripled in size all crowded round the girl who was shaking in her uniform. What has she done?

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