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We had decided to meet the Weasley family to attend the quidditch World Cup; Bulgaria vs Ireland

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We had decided to meet the Weasley family to attend the quidditch World Cup; Bulgaria vs Ireland. Grayson and Chris were meeting is there as they couldn't be bothered to travel this far.
We were going to go by the Weasleys flying car as the twins wanted to ride with us but I quickly declined as I didn't want to ever go into a car again. Every time I even saw a car my heat would flip and beat a bit faster. The weasleys came into sight as you could see their vibrant hair from a mile away.
"Arthur! It's about time son" Amos greeted his old freind
"Sorry Amos. Some of us had a bit of
a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory
everyone, he works with me at the ministry. And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right? And I'm guessing you're the one and only Athena rose" I nodded politely and Cedric answered
"Yes sir"
"Merlin's beard, you must be Harry Potter" Amos said and I chuckled at his reaction. I guess Harry Potter was a lot more famous than I had suspected.
"Yes sir. This way"
"Great great pleasure" Amos said shaking his hand. I knew Cedric got a bit insecure when it came to Harry as his father praised the boy who lived and Cedric just wanted to be good enough for his father. I took his hand in mine and gave it a squeeze to reassure him. We walked up on the hill and every step felt like the energy was being sucked out of me.

"Shall we? We don't want to be late" Amos said and we all stood around the boot. Everyone except for Harry.
"Why are they all standing around that
manky old boot?" He asked completely clueless
"That isn't just any old manky boot mate" Fred said
"It's a portkey" George finished
"Time to go"
"What's a portkey" Harry questioned unsure
"After 3. One... two.." Amos counted and then Harry rushed over to the boot. There was a white flash and suddenly we were flying in the air. Harry, hermione, and the young wealseys crash to the ground and Arthur, Amos, Cedric and me come down more gracefully as Cedric was still gripping onto my hand tightly, which steadied me.

We had got to the event and I took in all of the music and the crowd as we continued walking through the crowd of people.
"Parting of the waves I think old chap,
see you at the match" Amos said and led me and Cedric towards a different tent.
"Blimey dad how far up are we?" I heard Ron complain. My father had pulled a few strings had me, Cedric and Amos into the ministers box alongside the Malfoy's.
"Well put it this way, if it rains...
you'll be the first to know" Lucius sneered at the family.
"Father and I are in the minister's box,
by personal invitation of Cornelius
Fudge himself" Draco smirked. I rolled my eyes as it was one thing to say that he 'invited' him but another to be rude about it and boast.
"Don't boast Draco. There's no need with these people. Do enjoy yourself won't you. While you can" Lucius said sneering when he walked past. I mouthed a 'sorry' and they all seemed to understand. I sat down on a seat and waited for the match to start because that was mostly why I was here.
The match had ended a whole hour later and the Irish had won even though krum had caught the snitch. Draco who was very happy as he had supported Ireland was beside himself in joy as he couldn't wait to celebrate back in the tent. I sighed and we made our way back to our tents as quickly as possible trying to ignore the Irish constant boasting.
"Looks like the Irish are celebrating" Cedric pouted and I laughed
"That's not the Irish! We've got to run! Now!" Cedric got up once the words left his fathers mouth and grabbed my hand as we walked outside and saw chaos. Amos quickly ran into a direction and Cedric quickly pulled my hand leading me in another direction. At one point I was trailing behind him as his running was faster than mine so he decided to run behind me so he'd know i was still there and safe.
Once we had reached the forest I let out multiple deep breaths and saw my two bestfreinds already sitting on the ground exhausted; Chris with his head in his hands and Grayson against a tree
Cedric brought me into a hug and laid his head on my shoulder to rest.
"Stop! That's my son" Arthur had appeared trying to protect Ron.
"Which of you conjured this?" Barty shouted as this was not what was supposed to happen. The dark lords mark. I ignored him and ran my fingers through cedrics hair.
"You can't possibly.."
"Do not lie! You have been discovered
at the scene of the crime!"
"Crime?" Harry looked confused and he had the right to be
"Barty, they're just kids"
"What crime?"
"Harry it's his mark." Hermione said clearing up what was unknown.
"Those people tonight, in the masks...
they're his too aren't they? they're
his followers" I let out a shaky breath as the dark lord wasn't something I feared but something I was scared of because I didn't want my family or freinds to be affected.
"It's okay he won't come any where near you. I'll make sure of that" Cedric whispered into my ear. Oh, how wrong he was...

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