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Athena was siting next to Chris' bed with Grayson by my side and also Cedric for moral support for Chris' two bestfriends

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Athena was siting next to Chris' bed with Grayson by my side and also Cedric for moral support for Chris' two bestfriends. Once the blonde slowly started to open his eyes the two jumped out of their seats and started firing multiple questions.
"Are you okay?"
"How do you feel?"
"Are you hurt?"
"Are you in pain?"
"Do you remember anything?"
"Can you see us?" Once Grayson has asked the last question he chuckled and pushed Grayson playfully
"Of course I can see you two idiots"
"What about me can you see me?" Grayson was generally confused which made it even funnier.
"You are part of those two idiots and I can also see Cedric too" they laughed at the look on graysons face once he realised he had been called an idiot.
"Rude" he said quietly and that made them laugh more.
"Is Draco okay?" The three nodded.
"I need to ask you something before I go to quidditch. Why did you do that for me Chris? I told you if it came down to my life and yours then I would want you to live"
"And I recall telling you that, that wasn't going to happen. I did it because your my bestfriend Athena-"
"And you too Grayson" he rolled his eyes playfully
"And I would do it again in a heartbeat" I smiled a warm feeling taking over and I kissed his forehead before leaving the room followed by Cedric. He intertwined our fingers and everyone still gave us odd looks as we were hufflepuff and slytherin which was considered a very odd mixture. It was better though because Cedric was a pure blood and so was i which meant most slytherins didn't really mind the relationship. I hated the discrimination against half blood or muggle bloods. Whenever someone said something about it, I'd usaully rant at them because of how unfair it was. Especially hermione who gets picked on from it the worst.
"What do you say We go on a date? Like today?"
"Don't we have to plan dates?"
"This could be a surprise one. I've already got something in mind. Go get dressed into you're own clothes and meet me back here in half an hour!" He said before running off. I laughed before asking hermione for advice on what to wear. I was still going to wear my normal style I just wanted another opinion on what outfit would look the best. She agreed instantly and I snuck her into my dorm room which I conviently had all to myself as dumbledore let me after days and days of convincing.
"Okay he didn't tell me where we going he just said dress in my own clothes.. that could be anything!!" Hermione laughed and went to look inside my closet to look at the options I had.
"I think you should wear this.....andddddddd this!" She pulled out a slytherin hoodie that I had stolen off Grayson and black jeans.
"Are you sure it's really casual?"
"I think that's what he was intending when he said own clothes" she shrugged.
"I'll be back!" I quickly got changed and put my wavy hair down from its original ponytail and then hummed.
"It looked great. Thanks for helping my hermione" she smiled as she never really had a friend who was a girl.
"Anytime. And I literally mean anytime because I don't know how long I can survive with Ron and Harry" I chuckled
"I don't know how you have lasted this long"

 And I literally mean anytime because I don't know how long I can survive with Ron and Harry" I chuckled"I don't know how you have lasted this long"

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"So where are we going?" I asked. We had been walking for 20 minutes or so and half way through I jumped on cedrics back and I hadn't gotten off yet.
"I told you I'm not going to tell you yet" he said the third time since we started leaving Hogwarts. 
"We are here!" After a few more minutes of walking- well Cedric walking we had gotten to a beautiful lake that had a small waterfall by the end of it.
"It's beautiful" I said getting off his back  and landing on my feet. And it was indeed as the water was clear blue and the sun was up and shining brightly.
"I found this place in my second year and I go here a few times a month"
"I wonder if the water I warm or not" I pondered and Cedric moved a few steps back.
"Cedric What are you-" I started and squealed once he ran towards me and tackled me into the water, his arms tightly secured around my waist. We were underwater for a few seconds before he we both rose and I took a deep breath.
"Cedric diggory you little-" and instead of finishing my sentence I pushed him back into the water
"I guess that was fair" he laughed rubbing the water out his eyes. Once we both raced back to the land i said a spell in my head and Cedric dried off.
"How did you do that..."
"Do what?"
"Use wordless and wandless magic...let alone at the same time" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I thought everyone could do that?
"I just thought that was normal? Can you not do it?"
"Of course not. Only a few people have ever been known to do them both. I would say around 5 people"
"Oh well I guess we can go see dumbledore later." I said not really thinking too much about it.
"Anyways I want to get to know you better" Cedric said and I looked at him trying to read his expression
"You already know me"
"I know that! I just want to know every small detail about you"
"Okay What do you want to know?"
"Everything" he cheekily smiled and I scoffed
"Oh come on that doesn't help! Ummm my name is Athena May rose. Did you know my middle name?"
"Now I do"
"Do you have one?"
"No my parents didn't give me one" he said simply and I nodded
"Favourite colour?"
"Yellow" I said instantly
"Yellow?" I nodded
"What would you dream life be?" He asked and I had to take a few seconds to think about it.
"I would want to have two kids and be married. Have one of them be hufflepuff and the other slytherin to balance it out you know? And we'd live in a world without you know who and my mother would just leave me alone. What about you?"
"Well i wouldn't mind how my life turned out because all that would matter would be changing you're last name to diggory"
"I....oh my god" I blushed madly and hid my face to cover it but failed as my whole face has gone completely red
"Wow you move fast don't you?"
"Well with our love it's very unpredictable so I need to move fast" he said and he kissed me and then the ring on my finger
"That's What this ring is for" he said twisting the promise ring around my finger

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