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"Do you remember the first time you played in a quidditch match?"

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"Do you remember the first time you played in a quidditch match?"

*flashback a few years ago
It was Athenas second year at Hogwarts when she was asked to play on the quidditch team. Her and Draco has dared each other to sign up and here they were ,after many practises, about to play their first match. Athena was a chaser and Draco was the seeker. They got into their brooms ready to make them seen from the crowd but of course grayson has decided to turn up late as usual.
"Late again Grayson. That gives you another half an hour added onto you're next practise" Grayson let out a groan and stood next to Chris.
We were let out to circle the stadium and the rush and the feeling of being supported by you're was amazing as everyone except Hufflepuff were cheering the team on. The match was slytherin vs hufflepuff and Athena couldn't contain her excitement. The crowd saw her in the team as the new keeper and were slightly amused. All the other played stood well over 5'6 yet there was a petit girl around 5'2 and this made her stand out with her light brown hair slowing in the wind. She wasn't paying attention to the crowd though because her eyes were fixated on the quaffle and when it got chucked in the air she flew and caught it almost immediately. She flew and dodged some hufflepuff players who were slightly in shock of a newbie playing with well.
"A new chaser has caught the ball and is dodging players left and right and she.... scored for slytherin!" She threw the ball in the hoop and had a huge grin on her face. The whole game was spent with her passing the quaffle or scoring and that had earned her 90 points for slytherin from her skills. Nearing the end of the game Draco has caught the snitch leading the game to an end and slytherin to victory. Everyone cheered and was patting my back and praising Draco for his part in the game.
"Well played" a voice said behind where after the team had started to head inside
"Thank you. And you are...?"
"Cedric diggory"
"I'm Athena rose" she smiled at the young boy who towered over her

*end of flashback

"I miss quidditch when is our next match" I frowned
"In two weeks I believe. Against griffindor" I nodded at Draco and he groaned as he stretched his arms up.
"Well how did you do in you're subjects?" He asked. We recently got given a report card and everyone was freaking out about them because this was the first time they were getting sent to all of our parents.
"They were all good. Except potions. It's like I'm fine with everything but potions is just so hard and confusing" I ranted and he nodded
"I get what you mean I didn't do too well in that either" he shrugged his shoulders as he honestly couldn't care less what he had received but then his whole aura quickly changed as he grabbed my hand and dragged me up running behind a bookcase.
"What are you doing-" I started but he but his finger over my lips to shush me.
He saw Chris wondering around the libary and quickly indicated him over by waving his hands in the air. Chris saw the person that Draco was hiding from and quickly ran over as quietly and discreetly as possible. But when he reached over to where they stood the bookcase disappeared and there stood a deatheater.
Draco quickly took out his hand but the death eater was quicker
"Everte statum!" Draco flew backwards hitting his head on the wall making him unconscious.
"Get back-" Chris started to say
"Silencio!" Chris lips were moving but nothing came out.
"Why are you here" I managed to get out. My hands were slightly trembling but I shook off the feeling and tried to stand tall.
"You're mother and the dark lord want you to join our group. Become a death eater"
"I will never become a death eater" I spat out and grabbed my wand
"Stupefy!" He was temporary stunned for a minute so I quickly undid Chris curse and he inhaled deeply before his eyes widened and pushed my behind him. He had been hit by the curse that the death eater had aimed for me.
I quickly jumped into action and sent a spell towards him which was enough to make him stop
"Expelliarmus!" His wand was sent to the other side of the room and now it was just me and him. Me and him until he disappeared into smoke. I sighed before quickly getting on my knees go check over Chris. Hagrid and dumbledore came rushing in as I had shouted for help for several minutes.
"He needs the nurse he was hit with curse from a death eater and Draco got hit with everte statum and hit his head" they both nodded and quickly got them to the nurses.

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