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It was the day of hufflepuff's and griffindor's quidditch match

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It was the day of hufflepuff's and griffindor's quidditch match. I sat down to watch as Cedric had begged me to come and I didn't refuse. Both teams flew out into the pitch their heads high as yellow and red were dotted all over the seating area.
The match started and immediately Cedric and Harry race into the sky as the snitch kept levitating into the clouds. Everyone else was focusing on the match below but my eyes were trained on the sky waiting for cedrics return. It had been a minute or so until I saw a figure falling from the sky. It couldn't be...but it was. I recognised his taffy hair and rosy cheeks and I immediately jumped out of my seat and raced down to where he had fallen.

They had put Cedric on a stretcher when I finally came down so I was quick to follow after it, my hands shaking from the unexpected fear that raced through me.
"Miss rose I suggest you don't follow him it will look bad-" snape said in his boring long voice but I just pushed past him running after Cedric. In that moment nothing was going to stop me from following him not even my teacher.
One of his teammates lowered the stretcher and he was pushed onto the bed. My palms were clammy as I expected the worst which was a bad habit of mine but also a terrible thing to do in this situation.
"Please wait outside miss" the nurse said and I nodded slowly walking away from Cedric and outside the door. I sat in the floor with my back to the wall waiting for feedback which felt like eternity. Time always seemed to drag out in the worst times possible.
"Waiting for Cedric I assume?" Harry Potter stood there awkwardly and I nodded.
"I just wanted to ask a question because I think I have a crush on cho Chang but how did you know when you liked Cedric?" He pushed his glasses up to see better and then sat down next to me.
"How did you-" I was confused since no one was there when we had kissed or anything like that. It was clear Harry Potter had figured it out from someone else or had been snooping.

"Everyone knew it. The way he looked at you and you looked at him" I smiled but my answer was still awaited by Harry who was still intrigued.
"Well I guess I always knew. If you really liked cho than you wouldn't need to think about, it you know deep inside" he nodded but immediately sighed in exhaustion. The boy had gone through a lot so I wasn't surprised he was exhausted at this point.

"Well I hope Cedric is okay for you're sake and his" he said and waved before walking off. What an odd boy...
"Are you Athena rose?" The nurse said as she burst through the doors. I nodded and she quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room. Cedric was fidgeting on the bed and murmuring something I couldn't quite hear until close up. He kept repeating my name and he seemed scared as his eyes were clenched shut as tears fell down his cheeks. If he wasn't unconscious I would definitely think he was having a panic attack.

"Cedric?" My voice had become light and as soothing as I could manage. I put my hand over his and he quickly woke up with a jolt. He let go of a deep breath before tackling me into a hug.
"You're not dead" he said looking into my eyes and rubbing his thumb across my cheek. It was if he thought I wasn't real as his eyes bored into mine when he kept squeezing my hand continuously.
"Why would you think that?" I asked him generally confused but he just kept breathing sharply.
"Cedric?" I said his name once more and he stopped looking around frantically.
"I-I just...I had a image in my head of you dying and I couldn't stop it. I stood there helplessly and I couldn't do anything. I'm so sorry-"
"There's nothing to be sorry for Cedric you had a bad dream, just calm down I'm here can't you see that?" He nodded and I kissed his cheek.
"Did that feel real?" I said after I kissed his cheek
"Hmmm I don't know... can you do it again so I can properly feel it?" He said as he joked his way out of my worrying
I scoffed but ended up pecking his lips as he had dodged the cheek and went straight to my lips.
"I'm gonna stay here overnight so just rest and we can talk tomorrow okay?" He nodded and I went to sit on the chair next to him but he patted the bed next to him.
"I don't want you to be uncomfortable in you're sleep" he pouted and I smiled at the floor before getting under the covers with him. He wrapped his arms around my waist bringing me closer before we both went to sleep almost straight away.

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