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"Oh come on it can't take you that long to bring you're bag!" Grayson complained for the 50th time

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"Oh come on it can't take you that long to bring you're bag!" Grayson complained for the 50th time.
"You have no idea how much stuff I have gray you underestimate me" he scoffed and then took one of my bags in his hand and Chris did the same.
"See wasn't that hard" I giggled and we got into the train. Me and Chris got asked to sit with the other prefects but we politely declined and went to sit in an empty booth.
"Wow this brings back memories every time we come here" Chris said
"Like the time Grayson's naked cat-"
"Okay what's one he's not naked he's hairless and why does the topic of my pet always come up when we sit down in this train" Grayson huffed and I couldn't help but laugh. Cedric has sat with his freinds as we were going to spend the whole summer together so I knew he would want to spend time with his friends before he left.
"I'm going to go ask Oliver to come sit with us and if I hear a word from you Grayson I-"
"I get it! I get it" he lifted his hands up as if surrendering. After a few minutes I had came back with Oliver close behind and I discovered Draco has stolen my seat. So I decided to sit in between both him and Chris so they'd move up.
"You could've just asked me to move"
"This was so much more fun though" I said and Oliver went and sat next to Grayson. Surprisingly Grayson and Oliver got on really well on the journey and didn't stop talking for most of it. This was Oliver's last time on the train so I wanted it to be a bit different from any others and Grayson's odd personality seemed to do that. Once the train had stopped we were all dressed in normal average day clothes again and got off the train but I had help with my multiple bags.
"Awww I'm going to miss you guys" I frowned once Grayson and Chris our my bags down. I opened my arms as an invitation which they took and we all group hugged.
"I...can't breath!" I said as they nearly squeezed me to death.
"I read some muggle books and there's this app called 'FaceTime' I think it lets us speak and see each other from any distance"
"That would be great. I'll owl you everyday" I said and kissed both their cheeks. I also hugged Draco goodbye as the first week of summer he was spending with the pair.
"Goodbye!" I waved and they slowly walked away with pouts on their lips.
Wow who is going to keep these boys in check when I'm gone?
"You ready?" Cedric asked. He had hugged me from behind and kissed my shoulder.
"I think so" I said turning my head to kiss his lips. I took his hand in mine and Amos, cedrics dad came running to him.
"Cedric my boy!" He threw his arms round his son and cho had joined us by standing awkwardly next to me.
"Oh and Athena you look so lovely! How has Cedric been treating you? Good I hope!" He hugged me too which made cho glare daggers at me.
"Perfectly well Amos. You have raised him very well" I laughed at cedrics embarrassed face.
"And you must be....ch....I'm so sorry dear what is you're name again?" You could see the anger in her eyes but she replaced it with a fake smile
"Well nice to meet you. Are you and my son friends?"
"You could say that" I rolled my eyes but Cedric saw and put his arm round me.
"Okay we are going to take a picture of this smile!" Amos faces the muggle technology towards me and Cedric and after a few seconds the camera flashed and the picture was taken.
"You both have grown so fast. Did you know me and you're father Athena packed bets on how long it would take for you two to get together. He won so I guess I owe him"

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