f o u r t y s i x

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The two students rushed after professor mcgonagall for she had told them that dumbledore wanted to see them immediately

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The two students rushed after professor mcgonagall for she had told them that dumbledore wanted to see them immediately. She opens the door for them and they were pushed in by an invisible force.
"Take a seat" Cedric and Athena sat down opposite the headteacher and got more nervous under his gaze
"I'm sure you know why you're here" cedric nodded and Athena looked at him oddly. She had no clue why she was here and what was going on.
"Why am I here?" I asked after a few seconds of silence.
"Well the tournament yesterday was quite the successful for you mr diggory but you had a...incident before it occurred" Athena looked at him worringly and he gazed at her as he knew what the head was going to say next.
"What happened?" She asked her voice laced with concern
"Well Miss mcgonagall described as 'like a seizure' his eyes rolled back so you could only see white but he wasn't shaking or anything. He was completely aware of his surroundings. We just need to ask mr diggory what happened?" Dumbledore stood up and paced around the room with small steps
"Well...it all started around the middle of last year. Whenever Athena had a incident or got in trouble or in this case was hurt, then I'd see it. In a vision I guess. Sometimes a few hours before, sometimes minutes before. When my eyes rolled back that meant that I was in a vision, seeing her surrounded in water, I caught on and knew she was down there" dumbledore listened intently and I felt uncomfortable as his eyes flickered from us both.
"Can I see that mark on you're thumb Cedric?" He said asking about the market that her mother had casted on a few students last year.
He nodded and turned his hand to show the almost tattoo.
"It seems you're mother not only did that to mark you, but she bonded you together. Like she done when you were younger with mr Blaine and mr Campbell am I correct?" She nodded her head
"If you love the person you are bonded to, you are only going to have the bond stronger and that's why you have visions and the other two don't"
"You two can leave now, I've kept you long enough, but can I have the names of the other students who have the mark?" Cedric stood up first and began listing some people
"Oliver Wood, but he's left the school, Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter"
"Of course it had to be Harry too" he sighed in exhaustion. Trouble seemed to follow Harry wherever he goes and it didn't seem to surprise dumbledore much that he had been involved too.
"You may leave" he said and with a flick of his wand the door swung open. The pair exited the office and walked in silence for a minute or so.
"I didn't mean for this to happen Cedric I'm so sorry" She apologised before he could speak
"Sorry for what?" He said facing her
"For me. If you dated cho or someone else than none of this would be happening. You deserve better than me ced"
"But i chose you Athena" he said confused form her outbreak
"I'm bad for you cedric don't you understand that? I don't understand why you haven't left yet, I've gave you enough reasons to"
"Because I love you Athena. I chose to be with you" he said and they stood in silence, a silence that spoke more than words did.
He kissed her so quickly and I unexpectedly that they stumbled back into the wall and Cedric only pulled her closer.
"I'm sorry" he said as he felt a bit guilty for kissing her like that as he didn't know if she was finished
"It's fine" she said and quickly reattached her lips to his. It felt amazing, and at that moment she knew that wherever Cedric went then she would go because he made her always feel at home and she knew immediately what she wanted to do.
"I want to live with you cedric" she said breathlessly as they broke apart. He stared at her for a few seconds eyes widened and then grinned
"Really?" I nodded and his expression only became more happy as he placed multiple small kisses on my face
"I suggest that the two of you don't show that much public affection again if you don't want me to cast a spell sending you both back to you're dorms" snape said making his appearance known. Why was he always here when I was doing something that would get me into trouble. He let them off with a warning as he didn't want anymore points deducted from slytherin as they already had so many due to the mischievous third years.
"Quidditch may be cancelled this season but that does not mean I'm going to leave this team unprepared for when we leave" Grayson shouted so all of the slytherin team could hear. A small group of slytherin boys who seemed to be in their first year were laughing as they walked onto the field casually.
"Can we help you?" Grayson said in a rude manor as they just interrupted his practise.
"Oh my gosh you're Grayson Blaine! I'm James king, in a big fan! Is Chris and Athena here too?" We both stood behind Grayson with confused faces. Fans? What have we done to earn fans? His eyes glinted with excitement and he kept hitting his freinds arm.
"This is who I was talking about boys, he is Grayson Blaine. He is an incredible team captain probably the best I've ever seen! And that's Chris Campbell he's a keeper and I don't think a single ball has gone past him! And lastly that's Athena rose she is the best chaser slytherin and probably hogwarts has ever seen!" I smile replaced my features as they spoke so high of us and I didn't know I had an effect on people for my quidditch place
"Thank you but um....we have to practise so..." Grayson said unfazed by the praise he was getting.
"Oh right sorry! We'll leave but...can I have a picture?"
A million thoughts ran through cedrics thoughts as his breathing slowed and his eye sight blurry.
"Simon! Simon...I need you to find Athena. Please just get her quick!" He said. His eyes had tears falling out of them non stop and he was shaking and that caused Simon to sprint out of the classroom. A few hufflepuff girls were standing there watching him. The same Hufflepuffs who constantly flirted with Cedric but now that he was in trouble they completely ignored his presence. Athena ran into the classroom and Simon yelled at the girls to leave. They scoffed but complied to the boy.
"What's wrong with him?" Simon asked the girl. She was studying his face and actions.
"He's having a panic attack. Simon I need you to stand back" she said and he moved his feet a few steps.
"Cedric! Cedric I need you to look at me. Cedric I said look at me!" He turned his head to face her and he freind his best to focus but the more he tried the more shaky he got.
"I need you to breath properly. You're Hyperventilating" he tried his best to slow down his breathing but he couldn't. He couldn't stop thinking about the news he had just got delivered which had caused him to be in such a state. The next thing he knew he felt her warm lips on his cold ones and he started to bring his attention to his girlfriend. His breathing stopped as she was knocking it out of him and His heart raced but not with fear or sadness, and he started to stop shaking. she quickly tackled him into a hug and he caught Athena and he began to sob with fear and heartbreak. I stroked his hair as his sobbing began to slow down
"I'm here Cedric, you need to calm down" Simon stood there silently as his presence was a reassurance to Cedric even if he didn't speak a word.
"What's wrong" she said wiping his tears away.
"My mothers in hospital. They don't know how long she has left" he said another tear falling out of his eye.
"Oh Cedric" he was brought into her arms again as she kept speaking reassuring words to him as he sat there taking everything in.
After a few minutes Simon said he'd take over and that Cedric reassured him that he was going to be okay. She nodded and left the room shutting the door behind her quietly. She saw the girls that were giggling as they had caught a photo of the 'perfect diggory' crying. She snatched the phone out of their hands and dropped it on the floor and stood on it. The force breaking the phone. They're mouths were agape and that only made me step on it again.
"And if you ever think of doing such a thing to Cedric again, you won't be let off so easily" Athena growled and as She walked past She bumped shoulders with one of them causing them to topple backwards. Grayson smiled and held his hand up and She high fives it walking past him.

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