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"Merry Christmas fellow slytherins!" One of dracos freind shouted once he sat on the table

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"Merry Christmas fellow slytherins!" One of dracos freind shouted once he sat on the table. The great hall had only a selection of people in there but I didn't care as they people I wanted here, were sitting with me. Simon was the only one of Cedrics freinds who had to stay at school for Christmas. So we invited Simon to come join us in the celebration.
"Excuse me? C-Can I get you're autograph, my younger sister is a big supporter" a younger ravenclaw girl who looked to be in her fifth year was stuttering when she spoke to Cedric. I mean I don't blame her. I would've been scared senseless if I was talking to a group of 6 7th years, let alone most of them being male and some slytherins.
"Oh um sure" he hesitantly took the paper and scribbled down a signature and passed it back
"T-Thanks" she scurried off back to her table. The table she sat on was filled with fifth year girls who all kept glancing at Cedric and giggling.
"Looks like you have some fans" Simon pointed them out to Cedric and he turned around to look for himself.
"Don't get to famous for us diggory" Scott joked and Cedric waved him off
"Very funny. Well I'm finished, get our gifts and meet back here in let's say 10 minutes?" We all nodded agreeing and went our way back to our houses.
After grabbing a few bags and gifts I had successfully became the first person back to the table. I put my presents behind me as I knew what some of them were like. I had laid my head on the table at one point and a few minutes later I heard chattering around me. I lifted my head up to see them all already here.
"Tired are we?" Simon smiled
"Grayson made me stay up most of the night because he wanted to watch muggle Christmas movies. So yes I am exhausted" I said chuckling at Graysons reaction to the grinch. He had screamed nearly waking everyone up, and he kept holding onto my arm every time his green face appeared on the screen.
"Dibs going first!" Chris shouted before everyone else.
"Athena can I talk to you real quick?" Cedric asked me and i nodded pulling him away from the group and outside into the cold.
"I wanted to ask you something- and you don't need to answer right away! It's just a suggestion, a proposal if you must"
"Well it's our last year here and we haven't really spoke about what's going to happen when it ends. And I was thinking that when the tournament is over and school is finished, maybe we could you know..live together? My father and you're father actually suggested it to me but I was already thinking about it. I don't want to think about a future where I don't know if you're in it or not, but as I said you don't need to answer right now" He was stuttering and somewhat awkward for parts of his speech which I found adorable. I placed my warm hands on both of his cheeks.

"Cedric I would love to...I just think that maybe I should think it through first. Maybe after the second task I'll give you an answer" he nodded and kissed me for a few seconds.
"That's good enough for me" he whispered and placed small kisses onto my cheek leading down to my neck. I bit my lip as I was in pure bliss until he broke away.
"Have I ever told you how much i love you?"
"You've mentioned it"

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