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Cedrics pov~ I don't know what is happening to me and why am I so deeply infatuated with a girl I was mearly friends with at the beginning of this year

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Cedrics pov~
I don't know what is happening to me and why am I so deeply infatuated with a girl I was mearly friends with at the beginning of this year. I had found myself always moving seats so I can have a clear view of her talking to her friends at meals. And whenever she smiled I couldn't help but admire its beauty. My friends has noticed too and were continuously making fun of me but that didn't matter as much to me. This girl had a gift that let me forget everything that was burdening me whenever she was around and I am not willing to let her go anytime soon.

"Cedric? Oh look who he is staring at!It's the slytherin Queen" Simon joked around putting air quotes around 'Queen'
"I don't see why you guys have a problem with it." I said slowly getting a bit annoyed with my freinds sudden change of mood.

"Because you know what she is like. Remember when I asked her out on a date back in the 2nd year and I was standing out in the cold for 2 hours?"

I had remembered when Athena had told we about that. Grayson had not wanted her to go because they were watching a movie so he locked the bedroom door so she couldn't leave. Even through many apologies he still held a grudge it seemed.

"Yes but-"
"You're even making excuses for her" he scoffed and raised from the table with a look on his face that I didn't recognise. Disappointment.

"Come on don't be like that-" I started but he had already left. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I got up and followed him out of the hall. He was speed walking down the hall so fast he bumped into Grayson almost knocking himself over in his actions.

"Watch where you're going" he growled and Grayson almost looked taken back from his sudden outburst. Not many people had talked back to Grayson and when they did they soon regretted it.

"You were the one that bumped into me" Grayson exclaimed, his expression suddenly sour which wad usually scare anyone off but apparently not Simon.

"Why don't you and you're slytherin buddies ever know when to shut up and move out my way" he said bravely. My mouth nearly hit the floor and everyone around me were simply staring in shock.

"What the hell does that mean" Grayson said getting closer to simon and I didn't know what to do. I saw Athena and Chris near Grayson but not too close.

"You know exactly what I mean you filthy mudblood" he spat and Grayson face grew red in anger and embarrassment. Grayson's fist had curled and where shaking slightly and he had noticed. A sick grin played on his lips in satisfaction that he had hit a nerve.

"Oh you're going to hit me? Do it Grayson we all know that's all you and you're slytherin kind do to fix problems" Grayson lifted his fist but Athena ran in front of him and I was about to get her out of harms way but Grayson had stopped in his tracks, his fist stopped mid air, floating.

"Grayson stop. They already think terrible upon of us. Don't give them a reason to be right" he sighed and growled at my now shaking friend. He had really expected to be beaten up. He slowly put down his hand and stared at the ground.

"Fine" he said and grabbed Athenas hand and took her away followed by Chris without even looking back.

My 'freind' looked at me once before walking off slightly confused but more angry than I had ever seen him before.

"We're sorry about him. He's been really distant since you've been involved with Athena. I don't know what's going on with him" one of my other freinds spoke after a few silent minutes.
"It's fine, I just hope he gets over this faze before someone gets hurt" I said before walking off in the opposite direction.
"Simon?" I called out into the darkness. I knew he was here since one of my other friends had told me. I switched the lights on and I saw him sitting up on his bed. I sat on a chair near him and he still stared at a spot on the wall in front of him.
"What is going on with you Simon? I thought we were good friends" he glanced at me but never looked back.

"It's her she's splitting us apart-"
"Oh come on Simon we both know that's not true. Now what's the real problem?" I asked him sincerely and he sighed in response.
"I just don't want to see you get hurt again, you know what slytherin can be like, I just didn't want my freind to be heartbroken" he said
"I promise you I'm not going to get heartbroken. Especially not by her" I said confidently.
"Why not her? What makes her so special that she's the only thing on you're mind? There's so many hard things that you're going to have to go through-" He asked generally confused but I already knew the answer.

"The hardest thing being with Athena isn't the separation at the beginning, not the endless nights lying awake, hoping and praying that she is the one for me. It's... it's the love. It's too strong, and you can't fight it. I've tried. Believe me, I've tried...but I'm always going to love her.i would exchange anyone's life for hers if it meant she stayed safe. And I need you to know that" I said sincerely and he looked somewhat gobsmacked.
For he had never got to witness any types of love and for his bestfriend to experience it made him slightly jealous.

"You would risk the lives of people for one person? Why?"
"Because it's not just one life, it's hers"

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