52| Escorting Two Drunk Girls

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Back in the golf cart, Will punched the gas pedal, trying to get as far from that beach as possible. Luring Hazel and Piper out of the water had proved impossible, so Nico had been forced to wade into the water with a cord tied around his waist. 

As quickly as possible, he grabbed the girls and Will pulled them to shore. Luckily, the water didn't seem to have an affect on Nico other than making him slightly dazed. Which was a much better condition than Hazel and Piper were in. The two acted like they were on laughing gas, giggling and slurring their words. 

Right now Nico was riding shotgun, looking practically asleep, while Percy sat in the back separating the two hysterical girls. 

Will's adrenaline was pumping, right now he was the only accountable person in the vehicle since Percy and Nico both seemed out of it. But everything seemed to be going drastically wrong.

Making a sharp turn into the hotel parking lot he quickly parked it in the front, since he wasn't really sure where the cart had come from in the first place. He hopped out and stopped, realizing it might be more challenging to get this group upstairs than he first thought. 

"Nico, how ya feeling?" he asked softly.

Nico didn't respond. 

Will sighed, not sure exactly how conscious Nico really was. He thought a moment, biting his lip, but the doctor in him overpowered his caution. So, slowly he peeled up Nico's shirt, who gave no reaction, revealing an irritated red mark streaking across his front of his body. 

Will's fist clenched, he knew he had been too rough with the cord. He'd just been scared Nico would go hysterical, too. 

"What are you doing?" Percy asked harshly, in a cynical tone. 

Will immediately dropped Nico's shirt, "Nothing! Let's just get everyone inside."

Percy shrugged, frowning, "Whatever."

After poking Nico a few times, Will sighed, "I think I might just have to carry him in. Can you watch those two?"

Percy looked back at the girls, "I guess."

Hoisting Nico over his shoulder, Will watched Percy lead Hazel and Piper by the hands to the front door. He looked extremely uncomfortable. But then again they were acting like a couple of drunk girls. Piper even went to the extreme of giving Percy's butt a slap, giggling wildly. Percy jumped back, his face flushed and eyes wide.

"So, Percy," Will said, as they walked inside, "how are you feeling?"

Percy shrugged, "I don't know, my mind's still a little foggy."

Will frowned. "Can you, like, remember stuff?" he asked as they passed the front desk, the receptionist staring wide-eyed at Nico's limp body. 

"Basic stuff," Percy said with another shrug, "I mean, I know who you are, you're Will Solace, a son of Apollo. But my knowledge seems to end there. For example, I assume these two don't usually act like this?"

Will chuckled, "Um, no, not usually."

Hazel leaned against Percy's arm, shouting, "We should get ice cream!"

"Yeah!" Piper exclaimed, "Ice cream!"

The two started chanting as they waited for the elevator and the boys quickly hushed them with false promises of ice cream. They were getting enough suspicious looks as it was.

"But I don't know what I should be expecting of them," Percy continued, "or you for that matter. I'm not even really sure how I would normally be acting."

Will felt like he'd been punched in the gut. This wasn't good, and what if the same thing was happening to Hazel, Piper, and Nico?! They couldn't handle three more people with amnesia!

"But it feels fleeting, the farther we get from the ocean the clearer my head gets. I don't think it's anything to worry about," Percy said on the elevator ride up, slightly soothing Will's nerves.

Will quickly lead them to their hotel room, but as soon as he touched the door handle—

Leo exploded from the door as they reached the room, immediately blocking the door behind him. He gave a nervous laugh, "Guys! What's up, you're finally back!"

"Yeah, but we need to make a new game plan, Nico is—"

A loud banging shook the door behind Leo and muffled yelling could be heard from the other side, but Leo just smiled, completely ignoring the sound.

"Um," Will frowned, "is everything okay, Leo?"

Leo nodded, "Yep, everything is great!" He faltered, "Well, except we have a slight problem."

But before Leo could explain further, the door splintered and a fist broke through, creating a hole in the door barely two inches from Leo's head.

Leo scampered back, "Aha, speak of the devil."

Will paled, "Leo, what did you do?!"

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