53| Found You

365 20 8

Before Leo could explain any further, the door splintered and a fist broke through, creating a hole in the door barely two inches from Leo's head.

Leo scampered back, "Aha, speak of the devil."

Will, who still had Nico thrown over his shoulder, paled, "Leo, what did you do?!"

Jason's fist drew back, covered in cuts from the splintered wood and dripping with blood. "Leo!" He raged, "I'm going to kill you!"

Leo nervously chucked, "Yeah, I really screwed up guys. I—"

Jason's foot smashed through the remainder of the door, splitting it straight down the middle. He pushed through the rubble and grabbed Leo by the throat, lifting him at least a foot off the ground. "You little weasel, you should've run while you had the chance."

Leo squirmed, clutching at his throat and jerking his legs as he tried to choke out words. 

"Whoa, whoa! Jason, calm down. Whatever Leo did, or said, isn't worth murdering him over. You guys are best friends, so just put him down and talk it out like men," Will reasoned, keeping his voice calm and even as he set Nico down on the hallway floor propped up against the wall. 

But Jason completely ignored him, squeezing Leo even tighter, and cursing more threats. Leo was gasping for air and his eyes had become the size of baseballs.

"Um, do you need help?" Percy asked with a shrug, "I don't mind bashing some heads."

"Yes!" Will yelled, "Do something!"

Percy jerked the two girls off his arms, handing them both to Will by their wrists. Will took the girls and pulled them aside. And he could've sworn he'd only blinked for a second. But he heard a loud thud followed by someone hitting the ground. 

When he opened his eyes, Jason was slammed against the wall. Leo, on the ground, was gasping for air. And Percy stood between the two boys. Jason immediately pushed himself back up, taking a menacing step towards Percy.

Will rushed forward, "Wait, Jason don't—"

Will stopped short. This was unexpected... Jason grabbed Percy by the back of the neck and smashed his lips onto Percy's. 

Eyes widening, Percy pulled away, "Well, hello."

Will had no words, he just stood there gaping before he finally put a sentence together, "Leo, what did you do?! "

Percy grabbed Jason by the scruff of his shirt, shoving him against the wall, and with a seductive smirk he whispered, "Don't stop now."

Will pulled Leo up, helping him into the room to get him some, much needed, ambrosia. After setting him down on the bed, he went back out into the hall.

"Alright," he groaned, "Love birds, hands to yourself!  Girls, right now is no time for patty cake. Now all of you get your demigod asses inside!"

Jason just grinned, taking Percy by the hand and leading him into the room. Piper and Hazel giggled, but quit their game and followed the boys in. Will sighed, running his hands through his hair before stooping down to pick up Nico. Who was still completely unconscious.

"If I had known I'd be a babysitter  this entire quest, I would've stayed at camp," he muttered, hauling Nico through the rumble of door remains. 

Will set Nico on the bed next to Leo, then walked to the window, rubbing his temples. He'd never been so baffled, so bewildered  in his life. This quest had turned into a circus ring. 

He turned around to make sure everyone was accounted for: Leo and Nico were on one bed, while Percy and Jason were on the other, and Piper and Hazel sat on the ground watching the TV. 

"Okay, here's what we're going to do, first everyone gets some ambrosia," Will said, breaking up small bits of the ambrosia squares for everyone. Hoping it would snap them out of whatever spell Lethe put them under. 

"Now, Leo I'm going to look at your neck and then you better spill your guts. We already have enough problems, so whatever you did to Jason we need to fix, now," Will seethed. 

As Will examined Leo, Jason was still completely focused on Percy. In fact, at the moment the only way the two boys could get any closer to each other was is one of them sat on the other's lap. 

Jason grinned, his eyes trailing down Percy's body, "Oh, this is gonna be fun."

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