Chapter 12

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I had planned to only start this chapter and finish it tomorrow or Saturday but I got carried away and wrote the whole chapter and might as well upload it now 😀


I walked out of the bathroom to a quiet apartment. either everyone fell asleep again or they all left.

I walked back into the bedroom to see Harry sitting at the end of the bed looking down at the carpet.

"What's wrong?" He didn't even bother to look up as he spoke "why is he texting you?" I looked down at his hands to see that he had my phone in his hands.

Harry only grew angrier when I didn't answer "why is he fucking texting you?" he threw my phone on the bed and stood up. I knew that there was no point in coming up with an lie.

"He came to me the other day" Harry ran his hand through his hair as he paced the room.

"I am not forgiving him but he did say that he was sorry about what he did, and he looked it"

Harry stopped pacing as he looked over to me "who is 'us'?" I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed "him and our dad"
It is weird saying that.

Harry shook his head as he started pacing around the room again "why didn't you tell me about this?"

"You were stressed out about your parents and I knew you would take this badly"

It went silent for a few minutes but Harry killed the silence by sighing "I won't let you be with them alone. I don't trust either of them"

"I know you don't. I just want to know what the hell is going on because it is so confusing" Harry walked back over to the bed and sat down. I walked over and took a seat next to him. He grabbed my hand in his right one and put it on his lap.

"I just don't want Damian around you. I keep thinking about that look you had when you came running into my apartment when he showed up at your school. brother or not I just don't want him near you"

"I am going and I want you to come with me" Harry lifted our hands up and kissed the back of mine "I won't let you do it alone"

"But can you do one thing for me?" He nodded his head and looked down at me "anything"

"Please don't tell Danny"


"I just don't want him to know that I am talking to Damian. I know that it still bothers him. we have the same mom but different dad but he still treats me the same. I just don't want to stress him out because I know that he will flip"

Harry hesitated before replying "okay" I leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

"Now you and I have to go shopping" I stood up from the bed and grabbed my phone, putting it in my back pocket.

"Why?" I slipped my converse on "I need a dress for the wedding and you also need to get a suit" Harry groaned and fell backwards on the bed "I am not getting a suit"

"You are not walking into that wedding with jeans and a white t-shirt"

"Fine" I walked over to him and kissed his pouting lips which caused him to smile. I loved this man so much it was unreal.

"I am not going in there" I rolled my eyes as I grabbed Harry by the arm and dragged him into the store.

We have been at the mall for an hour now. I haven't found a dress yet and Harry was complaining that he was hungry, he really just didn't want to get a suit. I don't know what he doesn't want one. I can already picture him in one and he looks sexy.

I dragged him over to the ties and looked at the different patterns and colours.

Harry huffed and walked off somewhere else. when I turned around he was looking at the suit jackets and trousers, at least he is looking.

"Can I help you?" I looked up to see a smiling blonde guy. I looked at the name tag 'George'. he didn't look like a George.

"No she doesn't" I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist and pull me closer. the guys eyes widened when he saw Harry and quickly walked away.

"You didn't have to be so rude" Harry looked down at me with a smirk "why do you attract idiots?"

"I don't know but I am dating one" I bumped my hip with his as I gave him smile "now pick out a tie"


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