Chapter 20

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A/N: Next update will be Thursday, promise.


I giggled when Harry kissed down my neck, trying to push him away "stop! It tickles!" Harry pulled back and had a massive smile on his face "that was the point"

I shook my head with a laugh as I snuggles closer into his body. I rested my head on his chest as his right hand was running up and down my side and the other one took a hold of my left hand.

He lifted my hand up and left a small kiss on the skin before leaning down and kissing me on the lips. he pushed me gently so I was on my back again so he could hover over me.

"I still can't believe you said yes" Harry laid down on his stomach as he stared up at me with a small smile. I reached out and ran my hand through his hair "you thought I would say no"

I could see that he hesitated before nodding his head which caused me to frown "why?"

Harry sighed before shaking his head "its stupid" I shook my head and grabbed his chin so he was looking at me "its not stupid"

"I just don't want to lose you and I was afraid that it was too early since we already talked about it but I couldn't hide it anymore, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Louis told me to man up and just ask you"

I smiled at his words "Louis knew?" Harry nodded his head "only he did. I didn't want to tell anyone else because I knew that they would've spoiled it and-"

"And tell Danny?"

Harry sighed and nodded his head "he will freak" I shook my head "he wouldn't"

"You were there when he had a fit because we were moving in together, he acted like you were moving to the other side of the world not 10 minutes away"

"We have to tell him" Harry groaned and hovered over me again and kissed my collarbone "I'd rather stay here and go for round 3"

I shook my head and pushed his chest "no we are telling him today" Harry rolled onto his back with a grunt "he is going to kill me"

I rolled my eyes as I moved so I was straddling his body "he is not going to kill you" Harry hummed as he rested his hands in my hips "he will"

"We are going round there and tell him" Harry groaned "fine" I went to move off his body but he wrapped his arms around my middle and kept me there "I'm not done yet"

"Come on"


"Don't be a baby"

"You go in and I'll wait here" I rolled my eyes "you are being stupid"

"I'm sorry that I want to keep my manly parts" I turned and gave him 'the look'

Harry sighed and pecked me on the lips "you know I can't say no to that face" I smiled as I opened the door "I know"

Once Harry was out of the car he grabbed my hand "do me a favour?" I sighed quietly but nodded my head.

"When we tell him can you stand in front of me?" I took my key out and unlocked the door "why?"

"So then he can't murder me"

"Give it a rest he won't try to kill you" I opened the door and let Harry in first. the house was quiet but as we walked closer to the living room we heard moaning.

When we reached the door I screamed which caused Danny and Steph to stop humping each other on couch. Danny's eyes widened as he scrambled to get some pants on.

I looked up at Harry who was red in the face from laughing.

Darkness 2 // h.s AU ✔Where stories live. Discover now