Chapter 29

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I might update again before Christmas but if I don't I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas xx

"Dance with me!" I tugged on Harry's hand which caused him to groan and pull me by the arm so I was sat on his lap "you know I don't like dancing"

The wedding went well and the happy couple are on the dancefloor. The reception is in the church as well. Harry has been sat at the table staring at his glass of champagne. I have already had 3 glasses but I am okay, I may be a little tipsy. I have already danced with Ben who is with his Grandma now I think?

"Please?" Harry mumbled something under his breath before standing up "you owe me for this" I smiled really big and grabbed his hand and dragging him on the dance floor.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist and pulled me really close to him. We just swayed to the music for a bit but after about 10 minutes someone interrupted us.

"Styles!" Harry cursed under his breath as we both turned to see a guy walking over with a smirk "Haven't seen you in years!"

"Hey Pete" Harry kept his arm around my waist. Pete looked over to me and his smirk grew "whose this?”

"My fiancé" this caused Pete to laugh "Harry Styles getting married. Never saw that coming!"

"Fuck off"

"Still angry about Abbey?" Harry moved forward, ready to punch him but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back "you better leave" Pete winked at me and walked off.

"Who was that?" Harry sighed as we got back to dancing, well we were just swaying to the music "I use to go to school with him"

I rested my head on his chest as the music changed "who is Abbey?" I felt Harry's body tense up quickly "she was my first girlfriend"

"What happened?"

"Pete is known to steal girls from us, our group, and he knew that I liked Abbey and lied to her, saying I was doing loads of shit, and she broke up with me for him. But he wasn't good for her at all. She became depressed and he was fucking girls behind her back and one day I got a call from her mum who was crying and she told me that Abbey had taken her own life"

I lifted my head from his chest to become face to face with him "Pete is the reason why I didn't date. Every time he found out I liked a girl he would go after her and I was afraid to go out with another girl because I dont want them to do what Abbey did"

"Why did he act so surprised when you told him about me?" Harry closed his eyes and rested his head on my shoulder "after that I changed. I refused to date any girl and just slept around. I got my first tattoo when I was sixteen and my parents disapproved and I could just see the disgust in my mums eyes. But then I left for New York and I found a very beautiful girl and made her mine and people are thinking I am just using you"

I nudged his head to make him stand up straight "is that what your father said to you the other day" Harry closed his eyes and nodded his head "he made me so angry and if you didn't pull me away I would've killed him"

It was about midnight that the reception had ended and we arrived at the hotel. After our little conversation on the dance floor, Harry had a couple glasses of Champagne and he became very tipsy.

I giggled as Harry kissed up my neck and nibble on my ear "when we get into that room, I am going to tear that dress off you and take you against the wall" he trailed the kisses up my jaw and kissed me hard on the mouth. I giggled into the kiss.

I heard the driver sigh and say "teenagers these days"

Harry pulled away from the kiss "actually I am 24"

The driver rolled his eyes and stopped the taxi in front of the hotel. Harry paid the driver and dragged me out of the taxi and into the hotel.

"Wait!" I bent down and took my heels off before grabbing his hand again and running to the elevator. Once the elevator doors closed Harry push me up against the mirror wall and kissed me.

Harry pulled away when we heard someone clear their throat. There was an old couple standing outside the open doors. I giggled as I grabbed Harry's hand and ran out of the elevator and down the hall to our room.

Harry pushed me up against the door as we continued to kiss. I felt Harry trying to find our room key and when he did he unlocked the door, all while kissing me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as Harry pulled away from the kiss "jump" with that his lips were on mine again. I jumped up and he was quick to grab my thighs as I wrapped my legs around him.

He walked us into the room and I carelessly threw my heels behind me as Harry shut the door with his foot and pressed me up against it.

Darkness 2 // h.s AU ✔Where stories live. Discover now