Chapter 42

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Melissa's POV


I helped Ben off the counter so he could run over to Anne. She laughed and picked him up "have you had fun?"

Ben nodded his head "me and Mellie are making dinner" I wiped my hands with the towel "where's Harry?"

Anne put Ben down and placed her bag on the back of one of the chairs "with his father" just as they were mentioned they both walked in but looked really uncomfortable.

Harry walked over and kissed my cheek and then helped me finish making the dinner.

"So how was the business trip?"

"It went great. Might be opening a new building in Phoenix next year" Harry placed his hand on my knee and gave it a light squeeze.

"Might be opening one in New York within the next few years" Harry's hand tightened on my knee. If they have a new building in New York that means that we would see his family a lot more, which I know that Harry secretly wants.

"That's great"

"Mummy?" Everyone turned to Ben "what is it, honey?"

"Harry told me that Mellie ate their baby"

I choked on my food as Harry choked on his drink. I patted Harry's back as his face went bright red as he tried to calm down.

Des looked confused but it seemed to catch on with Anne as she smiled over at us "you're expecting?"

I rubbed Harry's back as he finally stopped coughing "um... surprise?"

"Oh my god!" Anne jumped up from her seat and pulled both of us into a hug "this is amazing"

"How far along are you?" Harry placed his hand on top of mine which was on top of the table "nearly three months"

Des leant over the table and patted Harry on the shoulders "congratulations"


"If you have any worries please call me" I nodded my head as Anne pulled me into a hug before turning to Harry "you better take good care of her"

Harry wrapped his arm around my waist and smiled at his mother "trust me I will"

"Just wait until the cravings come along, that's the annoying part" Anne hit Des on the chest "I wasn't that bad"

Des shook his head with a smile before walking over to the couch and picking up Ben who had fallen asleep after we had eaten.


I shifted in bed for the tenth time that night. I couldn't sleep at all.

"You okay?" Harry rolled over so he was on his side and opened his eyes "can't sleep"

Harry sat up "why?"

I shifted again "I have a pain in my back"

"Turn around" I did as said so my back was facing him. I felt his hands on my back as they massage my muscles. He placed a kiss to my shoulder "better?"

I nodded my head "Thank you"

When I awoke this morning I was alone in bed. I heard talking from outside but I couldn't catch who it was.

I quickly changed into a pair of shorts and a black tank top. My small bump was slightly noticeable which made me smile.

When I walked into the kitchen I froze in the doorway.

Sat at the table was Harry and a police officer.

They both turned around and I shot Harry a confused look "He arrived this morning to ask a few questions if you are up to it"

I hesitated a small nodded before walking over to them and taking a place next to Harry.

Darkness 2 // h.s AU ✔Where stories live. Discover now