Chapter 50

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I couldn't help but laugh as Tyler ran into the room naked and dry. It's Harry's turn to bathe him and I guess it hasn't worked again.

Harry ran into the room dripping wet and bubbles covering him. Harry groaned at me "don't laugh! Help me"

I placed my magazine down and picked Tyler up when he didn't expect it.  He shrieked and wiggled in my grip as I walked to the bathroom.

I placed him in the bathtub and knelt on the floor next to it. Harry came in and sat next to me, watching Tyler wash himself.

"How do you do it?" I shrugged my shoulders and started to wash his hair.

"Come on buddy" Harry helped him out and dried him before helping him get dressed into his avengers pyjamas. Louis got them for him for Christmas and he loves them.

We walked Tyler to his room and Harry helped him into bed "Goodnight Ty" Harry leant down and kissed his forehead before moving so I could do the same.

"Love you" he mumbled something on the the lines of I love you mommy before we turned the light off and walked out of the room.

We walked into the living room and fell on the couch. I snuggled into Harry as he wrapped his arm around my body to pull me closer.

"I wander how Ty gets his energy from" Harry ran his fingers over the bare skin on my hip as he focused on the TV.

"He's four and he's just like his dad, full of bloody energy" Harry chuckled and kissed the top of my head.

"My parents are coming next week for the dinner"

"Is Ben coming?" I looked up just as Harry nodded his head "they are staying at that hotel a few blocks away for a couple of days before going to Phoenix. Since its the end of July; Ben has finished School so they are staying till the end of the wedding"

Last year his father opened a new firm in Phoenix which has been a great success. That way Harry can see his family more as they always come to Brooklyn to visit.


When I awoke the next morning I was alone in our bed. I don't remember coming to bed last night so I guess Harry brought me in here after I drifted off.

I got out of the bed and walked into Ty's room but it was empty. I walked into the kitchen but that as well as the living room was empty. The whole apartment is quiet.

Harry had probably took Tyler somewhere. Seriously if Ty asks for something Harry would give in. Ty has him wrapped around his little finger, has been like that since he was born.

The first few months bringing Tyler home Harry was doing everything and made sure to show his son off every time we went out.

I had a shower and got dressed while I did I looked down at my stomach. The bump isn't noticeable yet but I think it will in a few weeks. Me and Harry have discussed having another baby and decided to wait until we were married to start again. I guess our plans have slightly changed.

When I walked back into the living room Tyler and Harry were just walking in.

"Where'd you go?" Harry helped Ty take his shoes off and stood back up to his height.

"Went to book the holiday" instead of a honeymoon we are going on a family holiday, just the three (technically four) of us. This is mainly because we don't want to leave Ty and that we want to go away as a family.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going?"

Harry shook his head as he sat next to Tyler on the couch "it's a surprise"

"We're going-" Harry's hand covered Tyler's mouth "you're not suppose to tell mommy" Harry grabbed Ty and pulled him onto his lap to tickle him. The whole time I was smiling at the sight.

Darkness 2 // h.s AU ✔Where stories live. Discover now