Chapter 19

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A/N: Happy thanksgiving for those who celebrate it!

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I slipped on my blazer as I heard the shower turn off. I have never been this nervous in my life. tonight is a big deal to me and I don't want anything to go wrong, I have backed out a few times already and it is about time I man up.

I ran my hand through my hair to clean it up before walking over to the dresser and opening the bottom draw. I took the small box out of the draw and opened it to reveal the surprise.

I quickly hid it in my jacket pocket when Melissa walked into the room in only a towel. Even in a towel she is still the most beautiful woman alive.

I sat down on the bed and watched her as she got dressed. I stood up and wrapped my arms around her from behind while she was checking herself in the mirror.

"You're beautiful" I kissed behind her ear and I felt her body relax into me "now come on our reservations are at 7"

"Are you okay?" Mel placed her hand over my shaking one. I hadn't even noticed that it was shaking.

I nodded my head and twisted my hand around so I could grab hers in mine and give it a small kiss on the back "I'm fine"

I sent her a smile to prove that I was okay "here is your check" the waiter placed the check on the table and I immediately put the money on top of it and stood up. Mel did the same and I grabbed her hand as we walked out of the restaurant and over to the park.

This is probably a really cliché date but I know how much Melissa loves the cliché shit.

Melissa sighed as she stopped walking "Okay something is going on" I turned around to face her "you have been shaking all night, you look really nervous, what is going on?"

Damn she can read me like a fucking book.

I took a deep breath as I walked over to her and took both of her hands in mine "I know that we said that we would go slow but I can't hold it back anymore"

"I never thought that I could love someone but I love you so much that I can't physically be without you, I go fucking insane and I can't think straight"

"The last three years have been the best years of my life and I would love to spend many more with you"

With that I slowly got down on one knee.

I watched as she held a hand over her mouth as I said the five words.

"Melissa, will you marry me?"

She slowly took the hand off her mouth "Harry-"

Oh god she's going to say no. I knew it was too soon, I should've waited-

I was cut of when I felt soft lips on mine. I kissed her back slowly as she pulled away.

Melissa nodded her head with a massive smile on her face "yes"

My eyes widened as she rested her arms on my neck "yes I will marry you"

I stood up with her in my arms as I spun her around a couple of times. I placed her back on the ground but I didn't remove my arms around her or the huge smile on my face.

I rested my forehead on hers as I leant down and kissed her but it was hard since we were both smiling like idiots.

I took the box out of my pocket and took the ring out, placing it on her finger where it belongs.

Darkness 2 // h.s AU ✔Where stories live. Discover now