Chapter 31

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Harry's POV

It has been a few weeks since we went to England. It was nice to see my mum again and it was nice getting to know Ben but my father crossed the fucking line, I will never forgive that bastard for anything.

"You better not be going overboard for this" Melissa's birthday is this weekend and we may have something planned for her.

"We haven't" not really it is just a small party at this club which I managed to book so it will only be friends and family.

I picked up her left hand and ran my thumb over the ring "when do you want to get married?"

"There is no rush, so possibly within the next couple of years" I wrapped my arms tighter around her and pulled her closer to my body as I kissed the top of her head "I can wait"

"Would you want kids?" I have no idea where that just came from.

"At some point" she moved so she could see me properly "why?"

I shrugged my shoulders "just wondering"

Melissa's POV

I was quite surprised when Harry asked me if I wanted kids. I could tell that he surprised himself by asking but I know that Harry would be a great father just by watching him with Ben.

When I opened my eyes I frowned when the space where Harry was sleeping is now empty. I sat up just as the bedroom door opened and watched as Harry walked in with a tray in his hands.

He walked over to the bed and placed the tray on my lap and kissed my cheek "Happy Birthday baby" I pouted "is that all I get?"

Harry leant in and kissed me on the lips. I pulled away and bit my lip "that's better"

I looked down at the tray to see a plate of pancakes, covered in syrup,  a red rose and a black case.

I picked up the case "what's this?" Harry sat down next to me and smiled "open it" so that is what I did. My eyes widened as I took the bracelet out.

"Do you like it?" Harry was biting his lip as he awaited for me to speak. I moved quick as I threw myself at him which caused as both to fall.

I leant down and kissed him "I love it"

"Do I have to wear this?" I fiddled around with the bandana which is covering my eyes.

I heard Harry chuckle "just a couple more minutes" I heard the car stop and then Harry opening his door then mine. He grabbed my hand and helped me down.

He walked us for a bit before opening a door and letting me in first "okay you can take it off now" when I did I was tackled into a hug from the guys "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

I giggled as I pulled away but was immediately pulled into a hug by Danny "did you do this?" Danny shook his head and patted Harry's shoulder "this was all his idea" I smiled really big as I kissed him "I love you" Harry chuckled and kissed me back "love you more"

I pulled back and my eyes widened when I saw Damian and our dad there "you came?" My dad smiled "I wasn't going to miss your birthday"

"Are you drunk?" I shook my head as I continued to laugh Harry shook his head and chuckled "yes you are"

I placed my drink on the table and wrapped one arm around his neck and my other trailing down his chest. I Kissed him and he kissed back just as needy as me.

Harry pushed me up against the wall. This part of the club is dark so no one can see us. His hand trailed up my bare legs as his grip my thighs and lifted me up. I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist.

"MELISSA IS GETTING SOME TONIGHT!" Harry pulled back from the kiss and gave Louis the middle finger before he let my legs go and I adjusted my dress "we will finish-"

Harry was interrupted by glass shattering "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Harry grabbed my hand as we made our way through the crowd.

My eyes widened at who was standing at the entrance of the club, with 4 other guys,

He smirked when he saw me "sorry I'm late"

A\N: this chapter sucks.

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