Chapter 49 《 Part 2 》

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"Is it going to be noticeable in a month?"

I heard Steph sigh as Jade groaned "probably, I don't know. How far are you?"

I sighed and turned in the full length mirror "7 weeks" I looked through the reflection to see Steph texting on her phone and Jade reading a magazine "are you even paying attention?"

"Why is it such a big deal? You've already had one child. What is wrong with having another?"

"It's not that. I just haven't told Harry yet" Jade dropped her magazine and sat up "you guys have had a child. Your getting married next month and you can't tell him that you are expecting baby number two"

The sound of the front door opening and laughter was heard.  There was a knock on the bedroom door and all our eyes widened.  Jade pointed over to the closest and I stepped inside so Harry couldn't see me.

"Who is it?"

"Um... Danny?" I nodded my head with a sigh of relief as Steph opened the door ajar and let Danny in "why are we locked in the bedroom-"

He cut himself off when I came into view.  His jaw dropped "wow"

"Is that it the dress?"

"No Danny, we went to the bridal store and took a random dress" Danny rolled his eyes "your boyfriend is waiting in the living room" with that Jade jumped off the bed and ran out of the room.

Danny walked over and sat at the end of the bed "so when are you going to tell hubby that your expecting again?"

I looked over and sent a death glare to Steph.  She held her hands up in defence "he guessed!"

"I don't know. Before the wedding I guess"

"Tell him at the rehursal dinner. That way everyone will know and it would be funny to see his face"

"I guess I could" Danny turned around as Steph helped me slip out of the dress and hide it in the bag.

"I think I might need to sit Harold down and explain to him about condoms because he doesn't seem to know what the are"


"What? He got my sister pregnant again! And your not even married yet!"

"Where is he anyway?" I slipped my leggings and t-shirt on and gave Danny the all clear to turn around.

"Kitchen with Tyler"

"Are you guys staying for dinner?" Danny nodded his head as we left the room "Tyler begged us to stay"

I walked into the kitchen to see Tyler sat at the table drawing. He looked up when I came in and jumped down from his seat and ran over.

"Mummy!" I picked him up and swung him around "did you have fun today?" I put Tyler down as he nodded his head "Daddy bought me icecream"

"I hope you have room for dinner" Tyler nodded his head again, sitting back on his chair.

"Hey babe" I walked over to Harry who was stood over the stove. I wrapped my arms around him and he turned around and kissed me on the lips "hey you"

"Did you get the dress?" I took a tomato and took a bite which caused Harry to give me a look.

"I did but you can't see it yet"


I laughed as Danny picked Tyler up and swung him around.

"Where did you guys go today?"

Harry looked over to Tyler with a smile "went to Danny's for a bit then Tyler wanted to go to the park so we stayed there all afternoon"

"Are you okay?" I nodded my head "Yeah I'm fine"

Harry went to speak but I cut him off "need help?"

Harry gave me a look before nodding his head.


Darkness 2 // h.s AU ✔Where stories live. Discover now