Chapter 18

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"This still doesn't explain as to why he wanted me dead in the first place" all this new information is a lot to take in.

My father had been in love with my mum even though she was with his best friend and basically went behind his back and had 2 kids and expected not to be caught.

"Jack's just angry and heartbroken. he feels betrayed since I went for his girlfriend, the one girl he has ever loved. he's angry at your mother because she cheated on him more than once and you look so much like her" My dad shrugged his shoulders "he's crazy"

"He sees her in you which makes him angry he doesn't want to kill you he wants to kill her"

"Can I have a minute?" My dad nodded his head in understanding. I stood up from the table and walked away and over to the lake, out of view.

I sat down at the edge of the lake and thought about all of this.

"You okay?" I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. Harry pulled me closer to him and I rested my head on his shoulder "I don't know"

Harry kissed the top of my head before resting his head on top of mine "talk to me"

"I just can't stop thinking that my whole life has been a lie. I grew up thinking that both of my parents were dead, but Danny and our uncle had been holding away that fact that 'our dad' was still alive. I find out that he murdered our mother and is out to kill me but then find out that he isn't my dad but his best friend is"

It is nice to finally let it all out.

"You are taking this a lot better than I thought you would" Harry took my hand in his spare on and started to play with my fingers "what do you mean?"

"I expected you to crack a long time ago. I have been waiting for the tears and the yelling, preparing myself to calm you down but it never happened, not even now"

"I am not like most girls" I felt Harry chuckle "I know, you are a lot more stronger than most"

"Probably because I have you to keep me sane" Harry leant down and kissed me on the lips "I love you" I smiled and kissed him again "I love you too goofball"

Harry laughed and stood up. I followed him and took his hand in mine as we walked back over the table.

I was quite surprised to see Danny and Damian actually having a civil conversation.

"You better now?" I nodded my head as Harry wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side "yeah I am" my dad smiled over to us "good"

"Well we better get going" My dad stood up from the table and handed me a piece of paper "this is my number in case you need anything" I took the paper with a smile.

"I want to take you out tonight" I looked over to Harry and he looked nervous "what do you have in mind?"

Harry unlocked the car but didn't get in. he pushed me up against the car "dinner and a walk in the park"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and sent him a smile "a cliché date" Harry looked upset "if you don't like it we don't have to-" I cut him of with a kiss.

"I want to" Harry smiled before leaning down and kissing me again.

"Seriously, if this keeps happening I will separate you two when I am with you"

Harry sighed and to annoy Danny even more he kissed me again which caused Danny to groan "I give up"

Darkness 2 // h.s AU ✔Where stories live. Discover now