2: Trainee

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AS SOON as I got my work done I laid my head onto my desk unable to sleep for longer than two hours at a time made me more exhausted than usual. Really I was just trying to buy time hoping Namjoon's mistress would be gone before I get there.

"You awake?" I glanced up to the tall, slim pale skin woman standing in the threshold of my office door. Her beautiful face even looking more so as a smile spread across her face, but she looked down at me with disdain in her eyes. She's also one of the women who's sleeping with my boyfriend, Jihee. Since you seem to have all your work done mind doing me a favor?"

"Hell no." I wanted to tell her, but I knew I didn't have the gall to deny the prettiest and the favorite in this office. That could reflect on me terribly since Jihee is viewed as an angel that everyone must help. "What is this favor?"

Jihee stepped to the side revealing a shorter, thicker figure standing behind her. Which I can't explain how I missed her. Her head was down and covered by the hat on her head, but I could tell she was foreign from her deep brown skin. "This is Lalin Crest. She's a new trainee and I think you'll be a great trainee since you worked here longer than I did."

Though she worked here longer than I did I said nothing to decline. I just turned back towards my computer acting like I was typing and then unenthusiastically said, "Sure."

"Thank you so much. I really owe you one." She squealed before leaving out my office leaving behind the woman still standing in front of my door with her head down.

I honestly didn't feel like dealing with anyone today. "We can start training tomorrow. You can go home for today." I said to her leaning my cheeks into my knuckles as a spun my swivel chair in her direction. She still didn't move. "Miss Crest... Miss Crest!"

Getting up walking towards her I could see something white in her ears. They looked like AirPods and I could see her head slightly moving up and down to the music. Lifting a finger up I slightly pushed her kinky curls back to pull one of them out. Her dark brown eyes looked into mine as she felt my fingers slightly graze over her collar bone. I was a bit distracted by her large eyes that I didn't hear her telling me off a bit.

"Excuse me?" Her tone was of so much disgust I got a little offended by it. "Personal space, Mister?"

"Mister?" I said even more offended by her calling me that like I was of that age. "I'm probably around the same age as you."

"You're nearly 40, Jimin. Believe me we aren't." She said to me folding her arms over her chest.

She did research on me. How cute? Though I am in my late 20s I not near 40 nor did I look it. "I interest you enough to look me up?"

"No, this job interest me enough to look you up. Your life seems pretty boring or maybe you just don't post much of you life on your social." She shrugged her shoulders walking around my office. Her rudeness pissed me off. "I did it so maybe I could kiss ass, but you seem like a pushover so that's not needed for you at least."

"So you looked up everyone here, even—-"

"Jihee? Yep?" She said before I could even finish my sentence almost like she could read my mind. "It's must be annoying to be pushed over by your friend's girlfriend."

"My friend's girlfriend." I mumbled to myself thinking about what she meant. So there are pictures of her and Namjoon on her social. My fist clenched at the thought, but I just smiled through it. "Yeah, sometimes I want to punch her in her throat."

Lilan started laughing at my threat. Her laugh was terrible like she was wheezing for air while trying to cackle at the same time. When she removed her hand from in front of her mouth she actually looked pretty attractive. Her thick lips stretched showing all her straight, white teeth. "Maybe you're aren't as boring as I thought, Jimin."

"Stop speaking to me so casually." I said to her though she was foreign she knew the difference between formal speaking and informal speaking.

"For now we're friends, so I think I have the right to Jimin." Lilan looked at the small watch on her wrist. "Welp, best to take my leave before it gets dark. I hate traveling when it's dark. See you tomorrow, Jimin."

She smiled at me again before walking out my office and I sighed lying me head back on my desk. Though she is disrespectful I'm sure I can tolerate her long enough to just train her and get her out of here.

Word Count: 835

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